General Gym Observations

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    Damon Amato

    I'd disagree, I think 99% of everyone who comes to the gym needs a personal trainer, even if just for an interim basis to learn how not to suck at working out.


    Kids in bro tanks and Vibrams allllll damn day!

    Kids yes... but I love my Vibrams... they have made my leg workouts so much better and my knee issues go away.One of the things I hate to see is people spotting who shouldn't be or don't know how. I think that instead of a free training session when you join a gym you should get a spotting class. One to help your fellow members and as well as you would learn the correct form. Lets not even get into old men and their love of walking around the locker room naked.I agree most people need a trainer not just for form, but for commitment to working out. If they are paying for more than just a membership it usually forces them to be in the gym. If you are a good trainer they always want to come back, to prove themselves to you and to themselves. I miss sometimes that I don't train one on one anymore. sorry for tangent.I hate people who chew gum in the gym. I used to always make clients spit it out, breath you jack A$$ don't chew.



    I have no problem with vibrams. I want a pair myself (but I have webbed toes!!!!!!). It just seems like guys in bro-tanks are trying to “look” one way and the vibrams are saying something different. When I say bro tank, I mean tank top you would wear at the beach btw.


    Damon Amato

    Note to people 50+ years old:  Jeans are not typical weight room attire.



    My gym's slogan is “The Judgment Free Zone.” They have a “lunk alarm” that goes off if someone screams, grunts or drops weights… Anyway, it's literally 3 minutes from my house and $10 / month with no contract so I can't argue. But it attracts a wide demographic. Some things I've seen:-I was waiting in line to check in (there was a delay for some reason). I noticed 2 women waiting in front of me and they were discussing what workouts they wanted to do. This quickly led to one of them walking to the lobby cooler and grabbing a Mountain Dew, followed by them deciding to skip exercise and just go tanning. Not to be mean, but they didn't need the Mt. Dew and tanning certainly wasn't going to help......-I usually go around 4x / week so you notice people that go similar times and have split routines. You also notice people like this guy: Starts on a cardio machine, goes to Ab workouts, followed by random upper body exercise (usually just a set of bi curls), followed by more Abs and light cardio. I've seen this guy do the same thing like this 2 nights in a row. He had that skinny fat guy look.This gym also has pizza night the first Monday of every draws the largest crowd that night. Promoting fitness and serving free pizza at a! It is fine for me though when doing CBL...But i don't think there are too many S.H.I.T.'s at my gym who can benefit from the pizza like I can.


    Damon Amato

    Planet Fitness is notorious for being on an 8 year cycle.  Years 1-3 they get a ton of memberships, lose 90% of them by year 6, and by year 8 can no longer sustain the overhead or weather the cost of getting new equipment and then close.  It's amazing how close they all follow this model.


    Brandon D Christ

    Planet Fitness is not for people who want what we would call results.  I'm not defending the gym (though I think they are pretty good business men) or the people who go there, but there are reasons to exercise besides lose fat, gain muscle, or get better at an athletic activity.  Exercise is also good for your mood.  This type of exercise doesn't really requires pushing yourself or dieting.  Believe it or not this what average person above the age of 65 views exercise (not that these are PF's patrons).  Something that is good for your mood and health.Anyways I personally don't hate anyone in gyms except for people who bring their children (very dangerous).  But these things annoy me:A.  People who workout in hatsB.  People who wear basketball shorts or worse, wear them below their buttC.  People who ask me to work in and get offended when I tell them no (I often time my rest periods)


    Naomi Most

    Planet Fitness is not for people who want what we would call results.  I'm not defending the gym (though I think they are pretty good business men) or the people who go there, but there are reasons to exercise besides lose fat, gain muscle, or get better at an athletic activity.  Exercise is also good for your mood.  This type of exercise doesn't really requires pushing yourself or dieting.  Believe it or not this what average person above the age of 65 views exercise (not that these are PF's patrons).  Something that is good for your mood and health.Anyways I personally don't hate anyone in gyms except for people who bring their children (very dangerous).  But these things annoy me:A.  People who workout in hatsB.  People who wear basketball shorts or worse, wear them below their buttC.  People who ask me to work in and get offended when I tell them no (I often time my rest periods)

    I will add to this list:D. Women with cake-like makeup wearing booty shorts who sole function in the gym that day is to bring more dumbbells over to their beefcake boyfriends.  (This happens in my gym at least once a week.)


    Kevin rogers

    I guess I'm going to have to abandon the hat, gum, and curls on the squat rack!  Wow people at my gym must think I'm a dick, lol.  How about the people who don't care about what they smell like or even worse, aren't aware how bad they're stench is?


    Damon Amato

    Bro#1 giving Bro#2 advice about getting huge, so they do almost the entire rack on the bicep machine….from 90 degrees to about 140 degrees of flexion.  Then moved on to preacher curls.  Bro#1, white guy with enormous biceps and chicken legs, literally has every muscle in his body EXCEPT his biceps doing the exercise.  Bro#2 jumps in, does 1 rep half assed, has shit eating grin, adds a 10 to both sides, and bangs out two reps.  Then gets up and walks around like Lattimer from the movie 'The Program' after power cleaning like 405.  The fitness director and I looked at each other horrified, then laughed. Clearly a bicep kinda day.



    lol where do I start:All the young guys trying to lift way to heavy for their size/experience I have seen at least 12 of these in a week. Then watch the more experienced/bigger guys and try mimicking some with piss poor form with weight that is going to surely result in hurting them. Roid heads who look like they are taking a crap when doing a lift and grunt like they just busted a testicle while lifting then just drop the weight to look impressive. We have at least 4 of these at my gym on any given day.The women who wear outfits that show off muffin tops/cellulite or worst, dress for your size, this applies to men as well. There is nothing better than a proper dressed woman. Also you are at the gym makeup is not really necessary.Dudes/women who wear wayyy to much aftershave/perfume and stink like a skunk when they start sweating, and those who do not wear any antiperspirant at all, come on we do not need to smell ur pits. A little goes a long way, BO is not attractive.Lastly all the runners on treadmills, the stair climbers & the stationary bikers,  who spend countless hours doing steady state cardio figuring that is the best way to shed fat. Yes you are in great cardio shape but its not helping you reach your goals.


    Brandon D Christ

    Lastly all the runners on treadmills, the stair climbers & the stationary bikers,  who spend countless hours doing steady state cardio figuring that is the best way to shed fat. Yes you are in great cardio shape but its not helping you reach your goals.

    Eh you never know, they could be distance runners.  My college roommate was a distance runner and went to the same gym as me.  He ran on the treadmill for a over an hour daily in the winter.  The point is you never know what people's goals are.  I guess if they are overweight though its obvious what they are trying to do.



    That's not what gets me. The fact that they continue to do steady state cardio with no results is what gets me. Everyone is entitled to do something the “wrong” way, but come on, how long do you keep that up before you see that you need to do some research/ask someone who knows their stuff?



    Aaah.. this threat makes me remember why i love having my own gym. That being said, it also makes me hyper sensitive to what anyone does there. If i come to train, and see something even just a little bit out of place, i get furious! I am even picky about what way the plates are facing when you rack them(should be facing in!)Also, its good being alone when you do smart things like forgetting to put locks/collars on the adjustable DBs, and smash 40kg of plates on your foot.



    Aaah.. this threat makes me remember why i love having my own gym. That being said, it also makes me hyper sensitive to what anyone does there. If i come to train, and see something even just a little bit out of place, i get furious! I am even picky about what way the plates are facing when you rack them(should be facing in! Out!)Also, its good being alone when you do smart things like forgetting to put locks/collars on the adjustable DBs, and smash 40kg of plates on your foot.

    Can't stand plates facing in lol

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General Gym Observations

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