General Gym Observations

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    Here is what I have been noticing in my gym lately.  And, yes it's 24 Hour Fitness.1.  Trainers: using the bosu ball in everything they do with their clients.  And, then having them sprint to the next machine and/or lift.  All the while leaving a trail of weights and shit behind in their wake.2.  The Nonsensical:  A couple of guys, that come in to fart around on the equipment, will act as if they are prepping for the Olympics.  They spot each other in everything.  Hammer curls, wrist curls and even on the cables.  They were helping each other do tricep rope pushdowns.  And, then after each set would flex in the mirror.  I would say it's because they are young, but I'm guessing they are in their 30's.3.  The overtrainer:  I've shared this either here or in one of my logs.  There is a woman who is extremely skinny, almost anorexic, that seems to do marathons on the elliptical trainer.  There have been times that I would walk in the gym and see her there.  And, she's still there on my way out.  I have heard that she does the time limit (60 minutes) a few times a day.4.  Fucking Kipping pull ups:  Forget about using a station next to the pull up racks.  You could get kicked in the head.5.  The overly proud lifter:  The guy that will grunt out his reps, stand up when he's done and scream for approval.  I'm sure all of these have been posted here already but it could be said again.  There is one new thing that is starting to grate on my nerves right now.  It seems like when I want to use the dip station, there is a couple of gym bags hanging from it.  So, I have to ask them to move them.  They don't like it as I get a couple of stares.  I am doing dips in between my upper body lifts, so I do 6+ sets.  So, after a while they get the picture.



    That ana woman is looking at early menopause.


    Damon Amato

    omg, dude using the power rack to do a crossfit workout.  Hang snatches with 65lb and then anterior shoulder raises with a 25lb plate.  Took up the rack for 45 minutes.  Followed his “workout” with a 32oz gatorade.  We're in the twilight zone, people.





    Brandon D Christ

    3.  The overtrainer:  I've shared this either here or in one of my logs.  There is a woman who is extremely skinny, almost anorexic, that seems to do marathons on the elliptical trainer.  There have been times that I would walk in the gym and see her there.  And, she's still there on my way out.  I have heard that she does the time limit (60 minutes) a few times a day.4.  Fucking Kipping pull ups:  Forget about using a station next to the pull up racks.  You could get kicked in the head.5.  The overly proud lifter:  The guy that will grunt out his reps, stand up when he's done and scream for approval. 

    3.  The funny thing is, she (and other stupid people) probably think she looks great.4.  I still don't know what these are, haha.  I just know they are a Crossfit thing.5.  I have to admit I am a grunter too, though I don't scream when I am done.


    Igor Vidovic

    Just left the gym…. My whole leg workout this guy spent on a fly machine doing rear delts and then stretching his hamstrings.  Don't get me wrong I'm all about rear delts twice a week but over an hour on that thing. Come on

    training log



    Just left the gym.... My whole leg workout this guy spent on a fly machine doing rear delts and then stretching his hamstrings.  Don't get me wrong I'm all about rear delts twice a week but over an hour on that thing. Come on

    Yes!! For some odd reason the damn pec deck is the second most popular(first is bench press) machine in my gym. We have two of them and they're always taken. I've maybe seen 2 or three actually use it correctly too. Unless they were purposely doing front delts on them... And also, it's always usually Asians on it...?



    Just left the gym.... My whole leg workout this guy spent on a fly machine doing rear delts and then stretching his hamstrings.  Don't get me wrong I'm all about rear delts twice a week but over an hour on that thing. Come on

    Yes!! For some odd reason the damn pec deck is the second most popular(first is bench press) machine in my gym. We have two of them and they're always taken. I've maybe seen 2 or three actually use it correctly too. Unless they were purposely doing front delts on them... And also, it's always usually Asians on it...?

    Yea the pec deck is at large now.  I personally like doing partials on it when im trying to spare my shoulders but ppl spend too much damn time on it when they should be doing dips! Lol


    Lesli Bortz

    Two guys go over to the squat rack next to the leg press…which I'm using. They proceed to literally hang out on in for about 5 minutes. Then do standing front raises with 25lb plates. Lean on the rack again, do another set – in sync – and repeat. I had to ask them to move over twice to load plates on the press. I thought at some point they would use the rack…but no. After another lean and raise they went elsewhere. Guy on the squat rack next to them was doing curls. One of those days…Go almost 24-hour fitness!



    Two guys go over to the squat rack next to the leg press...which I'm using. They proceed to literally hang out on in for about 5 minutes. Then do standing front raises with 25lb plates. Lean on the rack again, do another set - in sync - and repeat. I had to ask them to move over twice to load plates on the press. I thought at some point they would use the rack...but no. After another lean and raise they went elsewhere. Guy on the squat rack next to them was doing curls. One of those days...Go almost 24-hour fitness!

    I guess your doing something right, if everyone at the gym want to hang around you!  🙂


    Damon Amato

    Bicep curls in a sweater and corduroys?  Really?  We've hit a new low ladies and gentlemen.


    What about the fuckers who lift in jeans and flip-flops.  What the fuck?Cory



    Also, the guys who try to have “swag” in the gym. Like wearing designer tank tops, flat bills, etc.



    Ah, I turned up to the gym wearing leather boots and jeans the other day. I got told, I wasn't allowed in the gym with boots or jeans on. I was like, 'Fine, I'll take them off.' And just took them off right there. Haha! Luckily, I now have to wear yoga pants under my jeans to keep them up, and because it's cold, so this was not an issue that involved the police arresting me for indecent exposure 😀


    Jimmy T

    Ha, I would join another gym!  I'm a firm believer that flip flops should be banned footwear for males.My current pet peeve are the fancy boys who wear the toe shoes.

    What about the fuckers who lift in jeans and flip-flops.  What the fuck?Cory

Viewing 15 posts - 391 through 405 (of 499 total)

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General Gym Observations

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