General Gym Observations

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    People doing deadlifts with an arched back wearing a lifting belt which is loose as shit!

    LOL, we must train in the same gym.



    Of course guys can wear flip flops!! Americans wear trainers way too often for my liking. Just sayin'


    Ah, I turned up to the gym wearing leather boots and jeans the other day. I got told, I wasn't allowed in the gym with boots or jeans on. I was like, 'Fine, I'll take them off.' And just took them off right there. Haha! Luckily, I now have to wear yoga pants under my jeans to keep them up, and because it's cold, so this was not an issue that involved the police arresting me for indecent exposure 😀

    My gym has the rule posted around on signs (no jeans, flip-flops, gum chewing, etc.), but no one enforces that shit.  The jeans and flip-flops are for general, personal safety... but, the gum chewing can lead to sanitary issues (like finding gum stuck to a cable attachment, machine or on / around a bench.  Fucking sick.LOL @ indecent exposure.  😉Cory


    Of course guys can wear flip flops!! Americans wear trainers way too often for my liking. Just sayin'

    Yeah, but at the gym?  😛Actually, the one place where I encountered guys wearing flip-flops most was in Australia.  Referred to as "thongs" Down Under.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    Of course guys can wear flip flops!! Americans wear trainers way too often for my liking. Just sayin'

    Yeah, but at the gym?  😛Actually, the one place where I encountered guys wearing flip-flops most was in Australia.  Referred to as "thongs" Down Under.Cory

    No mandals!!!


    Go Heavy

    Here is what I have been noticing in my gym lately.  And, yes it's 24 Hour Fitness.1.  Trainers: using the bosu ball in everything they do with their clients.  And, then having them sprint to the next machine and/or lift.  All the while leaving a trail of weights and shit behind in their wake.2.  The Nonsensical:  A couple of guys, that come in to fart around on the equipment, will act as if they are prepping for the Olympics.  They spot each other in everything.  Hammer curls, wrist curls and even on the cables.  They were helping each other do tricep rope pushdowns.  And, then after each set would flex in the mirror.  I would say it's because they are young, but I'm guessing they are in their 30's.3.  The overtrainer:  I've shared this either here or in one of my logs.  There is a woman who is extremely skinny, almost anorexic, that seems to do marathons on the elliptical trainer.  There have been times that I would walk in the gym and see her there.  And, she's still there on my way out.  I have heard that she does the time limit (60 minutes) a few times a day.4.  Fucking Kipping pull ups:  Forget about using a station next to the pull up racks.  You could get kicked in the head.5.  The overly proud lifter:  The guy that will grunt out his reps, stand up when he's done and scream for approval.  I'm sure all of these have been posted here already but it could be said again.  There is one new thing that is starting to grate on my nerves right now.  It seems like when I want to use the dip station, there is a couple of gym bags hanging from it.  So, I have to ask them to move them.  They don't like it as I get a couple of stares.  I am doing dips in between my upper body lifts, so I do 6+ sets.  So, after a while they get the picture.

    I don't think the gym I go to is 24/7 but this sounds exactly like where I go. o.O



    There is one new thing that is starting to grate on my nerves right now.  It seems like when I want to use the dip station, there is a couple of gym bags hanging from it.  So, I have to ask them to move them.  They don't like it as I get a couple of stares.  I am doing dips in between my upper body lifts, so I do 6+ sets.  So, after a while they get the picture.

    Unless its a smith machine theres no excuse for this! No need to ask, just simply pick them up delicately, walk casually over to their owners and BRUTALLY SLAM THEM ONTO THE GROUND!



    There is one new thing that is starting to grate on my nerves right now.  It seems like when I want to use the dip station, there is a couple of gym bags hanging from it.  So, I have to ask them to move them.  They don't like it as I get a couple of stares.  I am doing dips in between my upper body lifts, so I do 6+ sets.  So, after a while they get the picture.

    Unless its a smith machine theres no excuse for this! No need to ask, just simply pick them up delicately, walk casually over to their owners and BRUTALLY SLAM THEM ONTO THE GROUND!

    hahaI'll second that!


    Brandon D Christ

    There is one new thing that is starting to grate on my nerves right now.  It seems like when I want to use the dip station, there is a couple of gym bags hanging from it.  So, I have to ask them to move them.  They don't like it as I get a couple of stares.  I am doing dips in between my upper body lifts, so I do 6+ sets.  So, after a while they get the picture.

    Unless its a smith machine theres no excuse for this! No need to ask, just simply pick them up delicately, walk casually over to their owners and BRUTALLY SLAM THEM ONTO THE GROUND!

    Why would you even waste your energy walking over to them?  I would carelessly toss them off and not even pay attention to where they go!



    omg, dude using the power rack to do a crossfit workout.  Hang snatches with 65lb and then anterior shoulder raises with a 25lb plate.  Took up the rack for 45 minutes.  Followed his "workout" with a 32oz gatorade.  We're in the twilight zone, people.

    At the gym I lift's mostly the 'brahs' reppin out their DB bench and incline and then hitting the curls...there's a bodybuilding club at the university I train at (the fiancee goes to school there and it's a pretty decent gym overall, just packed). Well...they could definitely use another power rack and maybe another platform (only 1 of each), but I the crossfit jerk...dude is using the power rack, the area in front of the power rack for deadlift, and the platform for his stupid ass crossfit circuit. He goes to the power rack...does one or two shitty pullups (although he did add in the type of pullup where you go completely above the bar and push yourself up onto your hands - which was fairly impressive), then he goes to the deadlift station in the dumbell area...pulls grunting the whole time with 375 like it's four tons, goes over to the platform and does like two power cleans (these were pretty good), and then goes over to the wall to do like two or three handstand pushups. Okay...he's fairly strong (especially for a crossfitter), and his form wasn't terrible, but seriously?! Taking up the platform, the rack (not even for squat...for pullups!) and then finishing with handstand pushups? He was also in front of a bunch of hot chicks (when he finished his handstand nonsense - if he did some reps it might've been okay, but two or three is not) trying to show off. It wasn't working either...cause they knew what they were doing and everyone in the gym was giving him the 'wow' look. I was just doing a light day with some baby weights, so luckily for him I didn't need the rack or platform...haha.That's my plug for this thread...I also wanted to post so I can follow - some of this shit is hilarious...and sad...very sad...Chris


    Brandon D Christ

    omg, dude using the power rack to do a crossfit workout.  Hang snatches with 65lb and then anterior shoulder raises with a 25lb plate.  Took up the rack for 45 minutes.  Followed his "workout" with a 32oz gatorade.  We're in the twilight zone, people.

    At the gym I lift's mostly the 'brahs' reppin out their DB bench and incline and then hitting the curls...there's a bodybuilding club at the university I train at (the fiancee goes to school there and it's a pretty decent gym overall, just packed). Well...they could definitely use another power rack and maybe another platform (only 1 of each), but I the crossfit jerk...dude is using the power rack, the area in front of the power rack for deadlift, and the platform for his stupid ass crossfit circuit. He goes to the power rack...does one or two shitty pullups (although he did add in the type of pullup where you go completely above the bar and push yourself up onto your hands - which was fairly impressive), then he goes to the deadlift station in the dumbell area...pulls grunting the whole time with 375 like it's four tons, goes over to the platform and does like two power cleans (these were pretty good), and then goes over to the wall to do like two or three handstand pushups. Okay...he's fairly strong (especially for a crossfitter), and his form wasn't terrible, but seriously?! Taking up the platform, the rack (not even for squat...for pullups!) and then finishing with handstand pushups? He was also in front of a bunch of hot chicks (when he finished his handstand nonsense - if he did some reps it might've been okay, but two or three is not) trying to show off. It wasn't working either...cause they knew what they were doing and everyone in the gym was giving him the 'wow' look. I was just doing a light day with some baby weights, so luckily for him I didn't need the rack or platform...haha.That's my plug for this thread...I also wanted to post so I can follow - some of this shit is hilarious...and sad...very sad...Chris

    I must train at a weird gym because all the bros at my gym are jacked as hell. 



    Some of em ARE jacked…I was just mocking them for their chesticles and bro curls…a few of em are completely jacked, but a lot of em doing look like they can properly squat 135 with their twig legs. Chris



    Locker room antics? (I'm referring to steroids here 😉 )



    Saw some guy doing lunges on the smith machine today with a gym mat (the big red ones) folded over and used like the bar pad. That's all.



    Saw some guy doing lunges on the smith machine today with a gym mat (the big red ones) folded over and used like the bar pad. That's all.

    Are you hating on the lunges? Smith Machine lunges are great burners instead of leg extensions. I LOVE when people use mats all over the gym

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General Gym Observations

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