General Gym Observations

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  • #37536


    Ahhhhh buuurnnn


    Igor Vidovic

    And my curls in the squat rack =)

    At least that guy is in the squat rack! You just stand around with a loaded bar taking pictures. KIDDING!


    training log


    Igor Vidovic

    Ahhhhh buuurnnn

    Not just a burn but a damn good one.

    training log


    Lesli Bortz

    Much love!



    Overheard 2 guys next to me: "Dude, some people get so low on squats. How could you possibly stand back up when you get that low?"


    Richard Schmitt

    Overheard 2 guys next to me: "Dude, some people get so low on squats. How could you possibly stand back up when you get that low?"

    THAT'S GREAT! I had some people comment that to me as well when I did Front Squats. 8)



    I curled in the squat rack last night….


    Richard Schmitt

    I curled in the squat rack last night....

    You get a nice pump "brah"



    I curled in the squat rack last night....

    You get a nice pump "brah"


    Lesli Bortz



    Lesli Bortz

    This guy loaded up the bar on the squat rack with 6 plates on each side. He had the safety bars (whatever they're called) at hand level. Then lifts the bar MAYBE an inch. I think only the center part lifted up, the part of the bar resting barely moved. This guy always does things beyond his capability. He even wore knee high socks and had a Mohawk. He must be late 40's…it's not right. And then I spotted some other guy's incline press. What you SHOULD NOT say when asking a girl to spot you:"I need help getting it up."Classic.



    This guy loaded up the bar on the squat rack with 6 plates on each side. He had the safety bars (whatever they're called) at hand level. Then lifts the bar MAYBE an inch. I think only the center part lifted up, the part of the bar resting barely moved. This guy always does things beyond his capability. He even wore knee high socks and had a Mohawk. He must be late 40''s not right. And then I spotted some other guy's incline press. What you SHOULD NOT say when asking a girl to spot you:"I need help getting it up."Classic.

    I love asking girls to spot me  HAHA



    This guy loaded up the bar on the squat rack with 6 plates on each side. He had the safety bars (whatever they're called) at hand level. Then lifts the bar MAYBE an inch. I think only the center part lifted up, the part of the bar resting barely moved. This guy always does things beyond his capability. He even wore knee high socks and had a Mohawk. He must be late 40''s not right. And then I spotted some other guy's incline press. What you SHOULD NOT say when asking a girl to spot you:"I need help getting it up."Classic.

    I love asking girls to spot me  HAHA

    Me too, and I never said "I need help getting it up", I say "Can you help me get it up" Come one now.



    This guy loaded up the bar on the squat rack with 6 plates on each side. He had the safety bars (whatever they're called) at hand level. Then lifts the bar MAYBE an inch. I think only the center part lifted up, the part of the bar resting barely moved. This guy always does things beyond his capability. He even wore knee high socks and had a Mohawk. He must be late 40''s not right. And then I spotted some other guy's incline press. What you SHOULD NOT say when asking a girl to spot you:"I need help getting it up."Classic.

    I love asking girls to spot me  HAHA

    Me too, and I never said "I need help getting it up", I say "Can you help me get it up" Come one now.

    LOL  so out of context.....    that's how i roll!


    Lesli Bortz

    Another “regular” at my gym…”toe-picker guy” – I've mentioned him before…his name about says it all….He likes to sit backwards on the bench press to do overhead shoulder presses. Between sets he crosses his legs and sits for probably a SOLID 8-10 minutes. Then he'll get up and go to the lat pull down cable and do a few reps...then go back and sit on the bench, do a press and sit for another 8-10 minutes. I'm just used to it by now, the guy is annoying. He is also the guy that likes to put a 5lb plate between the pin and the weights on the lat-pull. And by the way, the pins are bent...hmm wonder why. But I digress.My point - is that I just love watching people interact. So he's doing his "routine" and some guy goes over to the lat-pull because no one is there. Because I know what that guy's patterns are I just turn around and watch as he gets huffy, stands up from his bench and proceeds to tell the guy on the lat-pull that he was using it. ONLY to follow up the territorial comment with "it's fine - go ahead and use it". HOW ANNOYING. Why bother the guy at all then!??!I hate to admit - but I've often taken his lat-pull when he's on the bench just to watch him squeam - it brings a little bit of joy to my day - ...but he's never come up to me. No way I'd tolerate his shit.

Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 499 total)

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General Gym Observations

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