General Gym Observations

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    Haha what an idiot. Idk if any of you all have twitter and follow Muscle Phone but I just go into an argument with him about crossfit if you all want to take a look.



    I can't believe this thread is still going.  Well, I guess there's just plenty of ammunition to keep it fueled. I often wonder how people come up with some of the stuff they do in the gym?  I mean like how does on think about doing Bosu ball squats with a barbell and do thrusters on it?Dazzled.  Yet again.


    Lesli Bortz

    I love this thread. It's pure entertainment. People should save it and read the whole thing when they have time LOL



    i sure as hell havent read all 30 something of these pages but if it hasnt been covered yet…curls on the bench. really? maybe thats normal, idk


    I feel lucky to have 2 local indepent gyms in my neighborhood and 1 being a power lifting gym. However the other one I have quite a few goodies to share…-We have the guy who weigh's a 140lb's soaking wet thinking he has abdominal muscles which its because he's so skinny he has ribs.-We have a guy who has been there since the first day I joined and has 2 different routines. Both routines include awful form with way too much weight. He has gotten fatter over the time I have been there. He will load up to 4 plates on the smith machine for squats and barely touch a 1/4 of the way down. -Now this is what made me go back to the power lifting gym.... The gym has seemed to become over ran with Vegan extremist's all of a sudden. These guy's don't even do the big lifts to help any type of testosterone production. All of their gym bags say "Straight edge vegan" "100% meat free".-The boxer type guy's can be entertaining as well. Especially when they look like shit.


    My gym just makes me hate people even more, but a few people stand out.One is the old guy how takes up a bench just to do wrist curls, then does 3 sets on the leg press yet sits there for nearly my whole hour long workout.This there is the dude doing high pulls. Now I love high pulls and I think more people should do them, but this idiot did them while standing on a 24 inch plyo box. A part of me wanted him to fall backwards during the lift.


    Brandon D Christ

    The dumbest thing I ever saw in a gym was two guys doing curls together.  One guy would do a rep, give the bar to the other guy he would do a rep and then give the bar back.  This repeated until their “set” was over.


    At a gym I worked out at years ago that is sadly closed down(it was a great indy gym) I seen a guy using a George Foreman grill in the locker room cooking chicken and cracking hard boiled eggs. Needless to say his membership was canceled that day lol



    The dumbest thing I ever saw in a gym was two guys doing curls together.  One guy would do a rep, give the bar to the other guy he would do a rep and then give the bar back.  This repeated until their "set" was over.

    bahaha pathetic


    Richard Schmitt

    The dumbest thing I ever saw in a gym was two guys doing curls together.  One guy would do a rep, give the bar to the other guy he would do a rep and then give the bar back.  This repeated until their "set" was over.

    I got one for you, I have an old man at my gym that uses the only two Squat Racks to do a circuit in both of them. He'll start out with Shrugs to BB Rows swapping back and forth, then to Curls and Squats. Then he'll go do Lying Extensions to Calf Raises. I shit you not


    Lesli Bortz

    Tex, I believe you! I think he goes to your gym, then flies to my gym the following week…etc. This is almost normal 24-hour fitness behavior….


    Richard Schmitt

    Tex, I believe you! I think he goes to your gym, then flies to my gym the following week...etc. This is almost normal 24-hour fitness behavior....

    I would take pictures to show proof but I don't do that unless it's my own gym haha. I think so! because the stories you tell on your's just mind-boggling!Oh...I think some one took a picture of me doing the Tibalis Raises on Monday...


    Lesli Bortz

    Ummm is that good or bad lol?!


    Richard Schmitt

    Ummm is that good or bad lol?!

    I don't know I'm waiting for what is going to be said, if anything at all.



    Ummm is that good or bad lol?!

    I don't know I'm waiting for what is going to be said, if anything at all.

    I do tibialis raises at the gym. But I do it as part of a superset with other calf exercises. Some people do them as the core of their routine! Theres so many people at my gym that I want to slap! I was waiting for the squat rack last friday and this guy is doing 1 leg bosu ball deadlifts in it with about 30kg of weight. I asked him how long he was going to be and then suggested he try them free standing if he was actually trying to train his legs, then he replied "the trainer told me to do them" followed by the gayest thing Ive ever heard a dude say in the gym so far "Im just trying to tone and build speed for sports" DUDE WTF! "You should be squatting then" I said. "Yeah I do those sometimes" At this point I gave up because I have seen him squatting... On the Bosu Ball!

Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 499 total)

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General Gym Observations

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