General Gym Observations

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    *Sigh* I saw a man in the gym randomly lifting up dumbbells, he clearly didn't have a clue what he was doing, so I went up to him and recommended the program I was doing from a book. His response? “I'm too old to weight train.”I was actually shocked into silence for a split-second, "Well, the older you get the more important weight training is . . ."He sniffs. "I get most of my exercise from cardio. I'm not really interested in weight training." (This guy is skinny fat!)Heaven knows why he even bothered wondering into the weights room.


    Tiago Nicolau

    Im in a gym were there is only 1-2 real bodybuilders and the rest is just wanna-be's, bouncers and no-leg basterds,I see a lot of guys curling with a normal bar but with an massive amount of weight. It was all good if they didnt bounce so much that they dont do absolutly any bicep movement!Also we dont have a squat rack, only a smithy, and most of the times i see some people loading it like no tommorow, and not even going 1/10 of the way down, and getting out of there all proud of nothing!Saw a kid the other day, in inclined bench press, with his back and ass so curved up that he did the plain bench press without realizing it!Its so sad in my gym that i dont even look at it :/


    Richard Schmitt

    Have one to add.Couple kids doing National Bench Day and Pushing Exercises. They decided to do their circuit stuff right next to me while I was using the Squat Rack. Anyways, I found out a new move, stand on top of a balancing bosu ball while doing Dumbbell Shoulder Presses!



    Have one to add.Couple kids doing National Bench Day and Pushing Exercises. They decided to do their circuit stuff right next to me while I was using the Squat Rack. Anyways, I found out a new move, stand on top of a balancing bosu ball while doing Dumbbell Shoulder Presses!

    Those kids are gonna be swole as fuck in 6 weeks.I get immense levels of entertainment out of people using dumbbells too heavy for them and squealing like a pig after 3-4 reps and then throwing the weight.

Viewing 4 posts - 496 through 499 (of 499 total)

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General Gym Observations

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