General Gym Observations

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  • #37116

    Damon Amato

    Never seen this before: older guy with giant gut struggling to do BB bicep curls because he couldn't fit the bar over his big ass belly, and he didnt understand what was causing him to stall.



    Has anyone seen this yet… it was on the front page of AOL!  I immediately thought of this thread. hope I put it in right.  I don't know if there is a way to post vids here from youtube.  If I did it wrong; I apologize.


    Damon Amato

    Lol awesome video


    Richard Schmitt

    +1 to that video LMFAO


    That video had me rolling. The reason I ended up getting my own squat cage and oly bar set was because I had "The coach"at my gym to make matters worse he was a trainer.He always tried to get my to stop doing squats or atleast go light, same with deadlifts.Dude pissed me the hell off.


    Richard Schmitt

    I get those people who just walk up to me and start talking or get in the way when i lift…annoying fucks. I have to admit though sometimes I'll be the Face Guy =/ Not sure why but it happens sometimes.


    Brandon D Christ

    Admittingly, I have a strong desire to be the coach when I see people not doing the full range of motion of exercises, people who are obviously working out for aesthetics and spend all their time on the treadmill when they should be lifting, and when I see perfectly healthy young people doing all their resistance exercises on machines.  I resist the urge though.Oh yea I also hate all the USDA posters on "healthy" eating and exercise in the gym at my work (I work for the federal government).  I just want to tear them down and post some of Kiefer's articles on there.



    The best one yet--was grinding out a squat max n the cage (with safety bars in place) and got a bit stuck in the hole.  Was slowly making the weight up when this guy using one of the machines RUNS INTO THE SQUAT CAGE RIGHT BEHIND ME AND SOMEHOW TRIES "SPOTTING" ME from what're you Ronnie Coleman you're gonna just curl that shit up if I can't lift it?  Fortunately his stupidity pissed me off enough to yell "DON'T TOUCH IT" and finish the lift myself, but jesus man what the fuck are you thinking?  If anybody ever does that again they're just getting the weight bailed out right on their stomach.

    Nice. I once had some guy try to spot me doing a seated military press...on a smith machine. Wtf??? Not only was it just a warm up set (do I look that weak? lol), but as if I can't just roll my wrists forward if I get stuck...


    Naomi Most

    That video is wonderful.  Funny cuz it's true.  Also, ouch: I am like half Meathead half Coach.  :/  But with a nicer ass.  😀


    Naomi Most

    I get those people who just walk up to me and start talking or get in the way when i lift...annoying fucks. I have to admit though sometimes I'll be the Face Guy =/ Not sure why but it happens sometimes.

    Sometimes I wish that kind of thing happened to me at the gym. I feel like I get completely ignored, and even when I ask for someone to spot me, the help is kinda lily-livered.Do they think I can't or won't return the favor?  Are they weirded out by spotting a strong female in tight pants?  don't want to get caught looking at the wrong bodypart for fear of a harassment accusation or something?  Who knows...


    Richard Schmitt

    I get those people who just walk up to me and start talking or get in the way when i lift...annoying fucks. I have to admit though sometimes I'll be the Face Guy =/ Not sure why but it happens sometimes.

    Sometimes I wish that kind of thing happened to me at the gym. I feel like I get completely ignored, and even when I ask for someone to spot me, the help is kinda lily-livered.Do they think I can't or won't return the favor?  Are they weirded out by spotting a strong female in tight pants?  don't want to get caught looking at the wrong bodypart for fear of a harassment accusation or something?  Who knows...

    It might be because a lot of people are intimated by that, me personally I try not to bother females while they lift (if the ones around here ever do). I leave women alone in the gym because I don't want it to seem like I'm "flirting" or "hitting on them" while they're trying to lift. I don't like to be bothered (unless needed help), and I'm sure they feel the same way.Now if you or another female lifter asked for help (as in a spot or advice) I'd do my very best to help out. Shoot I wouldn't have a problem in training with you or another female =D (not being a perv or disrespectful)


    Damon Amato

    That concept seems foreign to me. I'd jump at the chance to spot a hot girl lifting heavy weight.


    Damon Amato

    Honestly, jeans and a button down while in the weight room?  What goes through these people's heads?


    Richard Schmitt

    Honestly, jeans and a button down while in the weight room?  What goes through these people's heads?

    Seen it!! Just the other day!


    Brandon D Christ

    Honestly, jeans and a button down while in the weight room?  What goes through these people's heads?

    I see this a lot, but to my surprise the guys who do this the most are also the biggest guys in the gyms.  I guess the workout to them is so tame that they don't even feel the need to change.

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General Gym Observations

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