Anyone got viewpoints on this:1. Is the non insulin mediated GLUT translocation after resisitance training local for the specific muscle groups trained or universal throughout the body ? 2. How does the effect taper of ? I think I've heard Kiefer talk about both a 1/2 - 1 hour window and a longer 4 hour window for backload after you workout. Are both of these windows aiming to use the non insulin mediated GLUT translocation or are we talking about taking advantage of different effects? 3. The body of a healthy individual is less insulin sensitive in the evening, but do we know roughly by how much. Are we talking 50%, 75% 95% of morning sensetivety?
1) Mostly localized2) More advantage, sooner. And it tapers off, with most advantage being lost around 4ish hours. Differs from person to person training to training, etc.3) No idea.