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  • #11725

    Adam Hays

    If on a ULC Diet (1st 9 days of CNS) while lifting heavy several days a week do I need to worry about eating too much protein.  I don't want to negatively effect blood sugar levels by eating too much protein, but I want to ensure I'm getting enough protein to help me recover from workouts.  I'm currently eating about 1.4g-1.5g of my LBM, but its been split between two meals – 1st meal 11:00am and 2nd meal at 7pm.


    Richard Schmitt

    If training, I personally think getting anywhere from 1g/BW, maybe a bit more wouldn't hurt while on CNS. Just be sure you're getting plenty of fats in.


    Adam Hays

    For sure… Delicate fats are always included!!  Bacon, avocado, fish oil, fatty steaks (grass fed) – these are my “go tos”…. Tex Approved??


    Adam Hays

    hey Tex – will insulin levels stay elevated during the entire time they're digesting and only subside once fully digested?


    Richard Schmitt

    hey Tex - will insulin levels stay elevated during the entire time they're digesting and only subside once fully digested?

    What the fats or carbs? Carbs will depending on the type you're consuming, fats no, during an ULC part of the day they help blunt insulin responses with protein, nothing about raising them.


    Adam Hays

    I mean – if eat 3 bowls of cereal do they all have to fully and completely digest before insulin settles down to baseline?


    Richard Schmitt

    I mean - if eat 3 bowls of cereal do they all have to fully and completely digest before insulin settles down to baseline?

    I would have to assume yes, because the thought that comes to mind is that you're still processing that food, so it's being distributed to muscle cells, fat cells (if happens), intestines, etc.

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