Glucose disposal agent

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    Huh okay what's the name of TN one? I wanna do some research.



    Cancel that.


    The original one linked here.Hahaha, noticed the link?



    Yep I feel dumb. Noob mistake.


    Marty P Koch

    I usually take it with my BL or CN meals. Along with PWO shake

    Then any carbs in it wont matter.Again, same idea, but could work on fat cells as well as muscle cells.I will say I've heard nothing but good about the TN one, and I've heard mixed reviews on others.

    I've used the MG's Ultimate GDA on my last 3 CNs and noticed a lot less discomfort, bloating, etc. the next day.  Also seemed to leave me less sluggish and performance the next a.m. training sessions were improved from prior weeks, comparitively speaking.



    I usually take it with my BL or CN meals. Along with PWO shake

    Then any carbs in it wont matter.Again, same idea, but could work on fat cells as well as muscle cells.I will say I've heard nothing but good about the TN one, and I've heard mixed reviews on others.

    I've used the MG's Ultimate GDA on my last 3 CNs and noticed a lot less discomfort, bloating, etc. the next day.  Also seemed to leave me less sluggish and performance the next a.m. training sessions were improved from prior weeks, comparitively speaking.

    Similar effects I notice ^^^-Mike



    I have been using glycobol and chromium on my carb nite. Definitely notice the difference with and without. My 1st 4-5 carbnites were without it. What i found was i would crash really hard from all the carbs & by 8-9pm i would be passed out on the lounge. Started taking these supps (2 tabs 1/2hr before 1st carb up meal, then another 2 about half way through the carbnite). Tiredness was virtually gone and felt quiet normal & i ate pretty much the same type of carbs Still to pudgy to tell if my muscles were "harder" or skin was "tighter" the next day, but well worth it just to get rid of that zombie feeling.Best part is because i only use them on carbnite 1 bottle will last for months. 



    I think Kiefer has recommended against these types of things but admitted he didn't have any personal experience.  If everyone is getting good results from it, do it, right?  What is everyone's favorite product considering effectiveness and cost?


    Marty P Koch

    I think Kiefer has recommended against these types of things but admitted he didn't have any personal experience.  If everyone is getting good results from it, do it, right?  What is everyone's favorite product considering effectiveness and cost?

    Okay, then I'm not crazy.  I was already using r-ALA during CNs, then stopped when I heard Kiefer reply in a podcast to someone's question about using ALA during backloads something to the effect of, "you'd be shooting yourself in the foot."  Then I read a few weeks back that several knowledgable folks were using these GDAs and I meant to question it, but I never could find the right podcast to positively verify the statement.  So, I figured if these guys were using them to good effect, I shouldl give it a try, so I went ahead and got the TN MG's UGDA product.

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Glucose disposal agent

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