Gluten Free Easter Candy

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    Richard Schmitt

    Just thought I'd share a couple sites I've been looking at. They show safe candies for those who have certain allergies or watch what they eat. Since Easter is coming up and our local stores are filling up with some goodies, here's a few links that might help clear some things up.



    Just thought I'd share a couple sites I've been looking at. They show safe candies for those who have certain allergies or watch what they eat. Since Easter is coming up and our local stores are filling up with some goodies, here's a few links that might help clear some things up.

    Thanks Tex! "...Nestle’s Butterfinger Creme Eggs..."  What?!  These'll be in my GF easter basket for sure!



    Just thought I'd share a couple sites I've been looking at. They show safe candies for those who have certain allergies or watch what they eat. Since Easter is coming up and our local stores are filling up with some goodies, here's a few links that might help clear some things up.

    havent clicked the link yet but im going to pray that cadburg eggs made that list





    Richard Schmitt

    Those are one of my favorite Easter treats…unfortunately they're made with milk, so I'm screwed. However...I did find out that Starburst Jelly Beans are in-fact Gluten Free OOOHHHHHH YEEEEESSSS!I want some of the Chocolate Bunnies they posted on here too.



    Those are one of my favorite Easter treats...unfortunately they're made with milk, so I'm screwed. However...I did find out that Starburst Jelly Beans are in-fact Gluten Free OOOHHHHHH YEEEEESSSS!I want some of the Chocolate Bunnies they posted on here too.

    how about a giant chocolate egg filled with peanut butter? yes please


    Richard Schmitt

    Those are one of my favorite Easter treats...unfortunately they're made with milk, so I'm screwed. However...I did find out that Starburst Jelly Beans are in-fact Gluten Free OOOHHHHHH YEEEEESSSS!I want some of the Chocolate Bunnies they posted on here too.

    how about a giant chocolate egg filled with peanut butter? yes please

    YES! I haven't had any PB in uhm a couple years now. Let alone with chocolate.



    Those are one of my favorite Easter treats...unfortunately they're made with milk, so I'm screwed. However...I did find out that Starburst Jelly Beans are in-fact Gluten Free OOOHHHHHH YEEEEESSSS!I want some of the Chocolate Bunnies they posted on here too.

    how about a giant chocolate egg filled with peanut butter? yes please

    YES! I haven't had any PB in uhm a couple years now. Let alone with chocolate.

    pb/choc combo might be one of the best things invented.


    Richard Schmitt

    Those are one of my favorite Easter treats...unfortunately they're made with milk, so I'm screwed. However...I did find out that Starburst Jelly Beans are in-fact Gluten Free OOOHHHHHH YEEEEESSSS!I want some of the Chocolate Bunnies they posted on here too.

    how about a giant chocolate egg filled with peanut butter? yes please

    YES! I haven't had any PB in uhm a couple years now. Let alone with chocolate.

    pb/choc combo might be one of the best things invented.

    So many variations too. ranging from bread, cereal, ice cream, candies...list is pretty much endless. I may buck up and try some again. Though I have used WF Peanut Spread, it's not the same. I even attempt to make Coconut Butter, to make a Non-Dairy Chocolate Coconut Butter egg. It'll be a lot of work BUT I think I can do it



    Those are one of my favorite Easter treats...unfortunately they're made with milk, so I'm screwed. However...I did find out that Starburst Jelly Beans are in-fact Gluten Free OOOHHHHHH YEEEEESSSS!I want some of the Chocolate Bunnies they posted on here too.

    how about a giant chocolate egg filled with peanut butter? yes please

    YES! I haven't had any PB in uhm a couple years now. Let alone with chocolate.

    pb/choc combo might be one of the best things invented.

    So many variations too. ranging from bread, cereal, ice cream, candies...list is pretty much endless. I may buck up and try some again. Though I have used WF Peanut Spread, it's not the same. I even attempt to make Coconut Butter, to make a Non-Dairy Chocolate Coconut Butter egg. It'll be a lot of work BUT I think I can do it

    does sound like a lot of work, and i would imagine the WF pb would be junk compared to the real deal. I mean, its pb, you can't skimp out ya know?



    pb/choc combo might be one of the best things invented.



    Richard Schmitt

    Those are one of my favorite Easter treats...unfortunately they're made with milk, so I'm screwed. However...I did find out that Starburst Jelly Beans are in-fact Gluten Free OOOHHHHHH YEEEEESSSS!I want some of the Chocolate Bunnies they posted on here too.

    how about a giant chocolate egg filled with peanut butter? yes please

    YES! I haven't had any PB in uhm a couple years now. Let alone with chocolate.

    pb/choc combo might be one of the best things invented.

    So many variations too. ranging from bread, cereal, ice cream, candies...list is pretty much endless. I may buck up and try some again. Though I have used WF Peanut Spread, it's not the same. I even attempt to make Coconut Butter, to make a Non-Dairy Chocolate Coconut Butter egg. It'll be a lot of work BUT I think I can do it

    does sound like a lot of work, and i would imagine the WF pb would be junk compared to the real deal. I mean, its pb, you can't skimp out ya know?

    Of course! It's tempting to try again,



    I might just have to make a few “next CN” purchases tomorrow in the easter candy aisle now.Thanks Tex!  😮


    Richard Schmitt

    I might just have to make a few "next CN" purchases tomorrow in the easter candy aisle now.Thanks Tex!  😮

    You're most welcome ma'am! Trust me I am planning on it as well!



    Those are one of my favorite Easter treats...unfortunately they're made with milk, so I'm screwed. However...I did find out that Starburst Jelly Beans are in-fact Gluten Free OOOHHHHHH YEEEEESSSS!I want some of the Chocolate Bunnies they posted on here too.

    how about a giant chocolate egg filled with peanut butter? yes please

    YES! I haven't had any PB in uhm a couple years now. Let alone with chocolate.

    pb/choc combo might be one of the best things invented.

    Your wrong!!!It is the best combo ever!!!!

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 32 total)

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Gluten Free Easter Candy

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