Gluten Free Easter Candy

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  • #146392


    I know I preach the I don't cheat on a CN with candy and shit but you guys can blame Tex because Starburst Jelly Beans have to be eaten!!!!Maybe I'll throw some in a waffle. Lol



    Candy isn't cheating…



    Candy isn't cheating...

    For me it is. I'm cheating on my whole foods.  LolI'll probably skip them anyways because if rather eat a couple more waffles.


    Richard Schmitt

    I know I preach the I don't cheat on a CN with candy and shit but you guys can blame Tex because Starburst Jelly Beans have to be eaten!!!!Maybe I'll throw some in a waffle. Lol

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;DI bought an entire bag ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;DIf I can't have Easter Chocolate this year I WILL BE DAMNED IF I CAN'T HAVE THESE TOO! Oh I am looking into making the Cadbury Eggs ;D Eh candy in sir sorry I have to disagree there, I'll stick to have them freshly made with the possibility of adding chocolate chips and ice cream melting over it. Keep the syrup. Maybe the candy over the ice cream on top of the waffle!



    Tex anyone can put that stuff in a waffle, so I try and keep the ideas fresh and new. Like I plan to make a PB/chocolate cup pancake with a cup in each section of a waffle.



    Tex anyone can put that stuff in a waffle, so I try and keep the ideas fresh and new. Like I plan to make a PB/chocolate cup pancake with a cup in each section of a waffle.

    good god that sounds fantastic



    Tex anyone can put that stuff in a waffle, so I try and keep the ideas fresh and new. Like I plan to make a PB/chocolate cup pancake with a cup in each section of a waffle.

    good god that sounds fantastic

    That's the 330+ sized man coming out in me. Lol



    Tex anyone can put that stuff in a waffle, so I try and keep the ideas fresh and new. Like I plan to make a PB/chocolate cup pancake with a cup in each section of a waffle.

    good god that sounds fantastic

    That's the 330+ sized man coming out in me. Lol

    after realizing a 2oz bag of sour patch kids contains 56g carbs, they will no longer be in my CN!



    See why candy is cheating???Candy sucks and takes away from room for good Whole Foods.



    See why candy is cheating???Candy sucks and takes away from room for good Whole Foods.

    exactly why it will NOT be included



    See why candy is cheating???Candy sucks and takes away from room for good Whole Foods.

    exactly why it will NOT be included

    Your responce made my 4 weeks on here totally worth it. LolI hope to see more move away from candy and shit and step it up to whole foods. Good job and decision.  😀



    Bad bad bad candy! It doesn't have enough sugar it it.



    Bad bad bad candy! It doesn't have enough sugar it it.

    You'll be on a whole food kick soon enough.



    See why candy is cheating???Candy sucks and takes away from room for good Whole Foods.

    exactly why it will NOT be included

    Your responce made my 4 weeks on here totally worth it. LolI hope to see more move away from candy and shit and step it up to whole foods. Good job and decision.  😀

    why thank you. though i must say, hangin out in the bulk section at the store was hard as HELL. with the easter candy and ugh, just everything. f'n hard. so what did i do? got a handful of raw pumpkin seeds, came home and made a bacon bison burger with lettuce as my bun and a slice of onion. 2 eggs with spinach and broccoli slaw. BAM. yum as hell



    See why candy is cheating???Candy sucks and takes away from room for good Whole Foods.

    exactly why it will NOT be included

    Your responce made my 4 weeks on here totally worth it. LolI hope to see more move away from candy and shit and step it up to whole foods. Good job and decision.  😀

    why thank you. though i must say, hangin out in the bulk section at the store was hard as HELL. with the easter candy and ugh, just everything. f'n hard. so what did i do? got a handful of raw pumpkin seeds, came home and made a bacon bison burger with lettuce as my bun and a slice of onion. 2 eggs with spinach and broccoli slaw. BAM. yum as hell

    No, Thank You!!!Bison...I like you even more now!!!You lean buffalo eater.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)

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Gluten Free Easter Candy

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