Gluten Free Easter Candy

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    See why candy is cheating???Candy sucks and takes away from room for good Whole Foods.

    exactly why it will NOT be included

    Your responce made my 4 weeks on here totally worth it. LolI hope to see more move away from candy and shit and step it up to whole foods. Good job and decision.  😀

    why thank you. though i must say, hangin out in the bulk section at the store was hard as HELL. with the easter candy and ugh, just everything. f'n hard. so what did i do? got a handful of raw pumpkin seeds, came home and made a bacon bison burger with lettuce as my bun and a slice of onion. 2 eggs with spinach and broccoli slaw. BAM. yum as hell

    No, Thank You!!!Bison...I like you even more now!!!You lean buffalo eater.

    mm its so good and so lean. i also have some ground venison and venison steaks in the freezer. my dad dropped off a 10lb bag of fresh, never frozen chicken breasts from the butcher last night. what did i do? cut a piece up in cubes, wrapped 1 slice bacon around it, then grilled it up!



    The females on this site fucking eat like champs!!!!

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Gluten Free Easter Candy

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