Gluten Free Halloween Candy

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    Richard Schmitt
    Moderator list for 2013. I had one for Easter Candy from 2012.



    YES! Reese's PB cups are GF. I'd always wondered, ha.And I'm surprised Butterfingers are. Always thought they would have gluten.


    Richard Schmitt

    I'm sure they refined their ingredients because of the population going gluten free and needing stuff to be gluten free. A lot of this stuff is awesome but dairy is another issue haha



    Ha.. true.. luckily for me, dairy isn't an issue! 😛Odd, though, that Heath bar isn't on the list.. I wouldn't think it'd have gluten.


    Tracy Jarchow

    Ha.. true.. luckily for me, dairy isn't an issue! 😛Odd, though, that Heath bar isn't on the list.. I wouldn't think it'd have gluten.

    Since my wife and I have gone 99% gluten free we have found a TON of things that have gluten in them that you wouldn't ever think.


    Richard Schmitt

    Ha.. true.. luckily for me, dairy isn't an issue! 😛Odd, though, that Heath bar isn't on the list.. I wouldn't think it'd have gluten.

    Since my wife and I have gone 99% gluten free we have found a TON of things that have gluten in them that you wouldn't never think.

    When I had to go GF for health reasons, I was not aware what had gluten and what did not. It is quite amazing to find out. So many good things I once enjoyed is gone

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Gluten Free Halloween Candy

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