Gluten Free- Is it overrated?

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    Hi guys,what do you guys think about these 2 coaches stand on gluten free.Is it really overrated?For those of you who are gluten free/ not gluten free, do you see any difference going gluten free or not?Part 1: 2: 3:



    When I eat gluten containing foods, I get more bloated when compared with their non-gluten containing counterparts.I also feel bloated for a lot longer when I eat gluten. It may be over rated, but for me, the extra comfort that I get makes it more than worthwhile to not eat stuff containing it!


    Russell Crosswy

    I haven't watched all of the video series you posted, about halfway through the second one. About to run out and I'll try to get back to them later.One statement they make is that they are arguing against the one size fits all mentality and I would agree with that.I started a Paleo diet just over 2 years ago and got some great and unexpected results from going gluten-free. It is anecdotal evidence so your mileage may vary. For me it has been helpful.They also comment on people (I'm assuming people with celiac disease) having trouble even with gluten-free products. I've noticed with eating gluten-free products for a while I can start to get an upset stomach. I think it has more to do with the sugar and carb content, but I'm not sure on that. This has been something I've been tweaking while on CBL.I think it is something to experiment with and see how it effects you. Some people will have little to no reaction to gluten and some will have larger reactions to gluten.Are marketers taking advantage of the gluten-free trend right now? Absolutely. But that is a constant thing. There is always a trendy or hot item of the day to take advantage of.While going gluten-free may not be the cure all for everyone in the world, you can't rule it out as being an issue for an individual just because it is the trend of the day. Experiment, give it a shot, and try to be honest with yourself about the results.



    This isn't all scientific sounding, but I did my last carbnite and kept everything gluten free. I at 2 whole pizzas………..nuff said.With gluten filled pizza I wouldn't have been able too, and I would have been in pain. After I ate those I dropped a bag of M&M's, 1/2 pint of ice cream, dextrose sweetened Gatorade and gluten free coffee cake.It does WONDERS when you are trying to get carbs in.


    Richard Schmitt

    Maybe it is maybe it isn't. But I am gluten allergic and eating non gluten foods really do work for me. It could be a personal opinion but again it works for me. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


    Craig jones

    Listen to is really interesting and educational are yall thoughts on it?



    Gluten free pasta doesn't make me swell up in the stomach like regular pasta, however i eat regular pizza and have no issues.  Best thing is to experiment and see what works/doesn't work for YOU.   


    Brandon D Christ

    I'm not really gluten sensitive personally, but I do get stomach aches from eating foods with gluten added to them like bagels and English muffins.  A lot of people though don't have any problem with gluten though.  It's the same with dairy, though I personally have no issues with dairy.


    Lesli Bortz

    I don't know that it is/isn't overrated. I think it's a big “thing” right now because a lot of people do have food intolerances and don't know where they are coming from. I tried the gluten-free for a week and I noticed absolutely no difference. It's easier and cheaper for me to not eat gluten-free so that's what I'm doing for now. I am surprised how good some of the gluten-free foods can taste and it would be nice if there were more out there. My husband on the other hand has SOMETHING going on when he eats. His stomach always has problems but he continues to eat the same way. I suggested considering trying gluten-free foods as I would bet it has something to do with it but he thinks the whole thing is stupid (a little stubborn….ok, a lot stubborn). From posts I've read it seems that it makes a big difference for a lot of people. As for it being easier to eat more food when they are gluten-free, I don't seem to have that problem at all….I can eat just about anything in rather large quantity LOL. It's probably good I don't go gluten-free!  😮Yeah...rambling again...



    I don't know that it is/isn't overrated. I think it's a big "thing" right now because a lot of people do have food intolerances and don't know where they are coming from. I tried the gluten-free for a week and I noticed absolutely no difference. It's easier and cheaper for me to not eat gluten-free so that's what I'm doing for now. I am surprised how good some of the gluten-free foods can taste and it would be nice if there were more out there. My husband on the other hand has SOMETHING going on when he eats. His stomach always has problems but he continues to eat the same way. I suggested considering trying gluten-free foods as I would bet it has something to do with it but he thinks the whole thing is stupid (a little stubborn....ok, a lot stubborn). From posts I've read it seems that it makes a big difference for a lot of people. As for it being easier to eat more food when they are gluten-free, I don't seem to have that problem at all....I can eat just about anything in rather large quantity LOL. It's probably good I don't go gluten-free!  😮Yeah...rambling again...

    +111  cheaper is right!  i am tired of paying $5.00 for 8oz of rice-pasta noodles when i can get 16oz for $0.75     

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Gluten Free- Is it overrated?

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