Good training program for Carbnite?

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    I switched from CBL to CN, I tried shockwave for a bit but really didn't care for it, I'm doing CTs OVT and it's ok but my main goal is fat loss and muscle density/gain (as much as I can while loosing max fat).  Any ideas on some good programs? I've done 5/3/1 and PHAT as well



    Came in here just to say Shockwave, since it was designed specifically to work with CNS with great results.What didn't you care for about it?



    I just never felt done, maybe that's my fault and I need to adjust the weights or tempo but I just never felt like it was effective for me


    Richard Schmitt

    It depends on the protocol you're following too. CNS would be perfect, CBL I'd in a couple more sets to the said reps to make it more of a higher volume workout. Tweak to you.



    I'll try sw again and keep this updated



    for SW although its not per the protocal when doing PSR sets after you pyramid up you can try to pyramid back down increasing reps as you go down.. this allows the muscles to be exhausted a lot more although from what I have read SW isn't really designed for you to feel exhausted when done with a session but mentally for a lot of people having that feeling can help…



    for SW although its not per the protocal when doing PSR sets after you pyramid up you can try to pyramid back down increasing reps as you go down.. this allows the muscles to be exhausted a lot more although from what I have read SW isn't really designed for you to feel exhausted when done with a session but mentally for a lot of people having that feeling can help...

    This.I think it kind of followed the "MED"(minimum effective dose) principle. You're getting a big bang for a little buck. Especially in the standard glycogen depleted state you're in.



    I'm doing it with 531 on my first lift, so ill do more warmup sets and add in as many work sets on my core lifts I feel necessary, then do the rest of the SW assistance work, feels ok so far



    Still not a shockwave fan…



    Still not a shockwave fan...

    i didn't care for it personally.. i'd just work on another routine if you don't enjoy it.. i just ended up taking philosophies from couple people and made my own routine..

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Good training program for Carbnite?

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