GoRuck Completed!!!

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    AS a few people might remember, I was signed up for the GoRuck Challenge.  This event was a special one.  The “ABSOC”  (all branches special operations challenge).  Basically more “good living”, plenty of fun carrying boats, team weights, and more “good living”.  I didn’t lack that mental toughness and had any issues.  I took this event even further than the average person.  I performed this challenge FASTED, water only. After  14 hours, 34 minutes (started 2100 Friday, done 1134 Saturday) the event was secured and patches were awarded.  My clarity and focus was on point, I never felt lucid or lost.  My stomach never turned.  We spent plenty of time in the bay, on the beach, road and drainage ditch.  I did bring some stinger bars with me, just in case, but they were packed way below my six bricks making it near impossible to access.  It was a good challenge, even better knowing that I was performing above par without carbs…geeked!  FYI my CN post challenge was awesome!!!!!!!!!!



    Awesome job!



    Wow! That's awesome! And you did this fasted?? Super human for sure! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Wow! That's awesome! And you did this fasted?? Super human for sure! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Correct, I did it fasted   Well I’m sure because of going ULC, going fasted during this event wasn’t as bad compared to the people who normally eat carbs daily.  Plus, no sugar crash or any of that stuff.  Not sure if it was super human, but I am proud!  Thank you!!

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GoRuck Completed!!!

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