Got Cravings?

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    Started my first prep. Only day 3. All this talk of cheesecake isn't helping.That's it. Almond flour pancakes tonight!



    My roommate makes theeeee best Chocolate Cake known to man.  I don't know how she does it… the icing is perfect and the cake is so moist.  I have asked her not to make it at times as I know that I'll devour the whole thing.  So, instead she'll make me a couple of cupcakes!!! Good times!I am craving that so much right now.


    Richard Schmitt

    My roommate makes theeeee best Chocolate Cake known to man.  I don't know how she does it... the icing is perfect and the cake is so moist.  I have asked her not to make it at times as I know that I'll devour the whole thing.  So, instead she'll make me a couple of cupcakes!!! Good times!I am craving that so much right now.

    That honestly sounds amazing...



    A couple weeks ago my wife made a chocolate peanut butter cake for my CN.  It was freaking amazing.  The sponge was all dense and marbled with chocolate and pb swirls and she made some delicious chocolate frosting to go on top.  I think that'll be returning to the menu in the very near future.



    I crave cinnamon rolls, good ice cream, t-bones, loose women, good beer, nanaimo bars, poutine and many other Canadian foods, especially anything ridiculously sweet/douzed in maple syrup or icing. I can't get any of that here, cept for the loose women, and there aren't any in the Okinawan country side, fuck my life.In all seriousness, I think now's a good time to tell my inner fat kid to go die in a fire.


    Richard Schmitt

    I crave cinnamon rolls, good ice cream, t-bones, loose women, good beer, nanaimo bars, poutine and many other Canadian foods, especially anything ridiculously sweet/douzed in maple syrup or icing. I can't get any of that here, cept for the loose women, and there aren't any in the Okinawan country side, fuck my life.In all seriousness, I think now's a good time to tell my inner fat kid to go die in a fire. the hell can you tell your Inner Fat Kid to do such a horrible act? You know it's commiting suicide!



    I crave cinnamon rolls, good ice cream, t-bones, loose women, good beer, nanaimo bars, poutine and many other Canadian foods, especially anything ridiculously sweet/douzed in maple syrup or icing. I can't get any of that here, cept for the loose women, and there aren't any in the Okinawan country side, fuck my life.In all seriousness, I think now's a good time to tell my inner fat kid to go die in a fire. the hell can you tell your Inner Fat Kid to do such a horrible act? You know it's commiting suicide!

    One of my main motivations for lifting like a lunatic is I am scared that if I stop lifting someday, I won't be able to get away with so much dietary tomfoolery.I find is hilarious how some people have a hard time eating enough to grow while I have to train more to prevent myself from becoming a manatee. Sugar addiction, hyperphagia and small bones for the win. Happy Beetus awareness month.


    Lesli Bortz

    Nachos! Basically ANY good Mexican food (not really available in England) so I'll probably have to wait until next summer when I visit home.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    +1...I have those almost every week...extra jalapeños...can't wait until my CN.....



    I find is hilarious how some people have a hard time eating enough to grow while I have to train more to prevent myself from becoming a manatee.

    I am exactly the same way.  I can stop working out and gain 80 lbs. in a year easily.  So, that is my fear as well.



    Nachos! Basically ANY good Mexican food (not really available in England) so I'll probably have to wait until next summer when I visit home.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    +1...I have those almost every week...extra jalapeños...can't wait until my CN.....

    and another +1I love walking into a total hole in the wall Mexican joint and have the best dining experiences.  So many here in Vegas... but you have to look to find the really good ones. 



    Nachos! Basically ANY good Mexican food (not really available in England) so I'll probably have to wait until next summer when I visit home.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    +1...I have those almost every week...extra jalapeños...can't wait until my CN.....

    and another +1I love walking into a total hole in the wall Mexican joint and have the best dining experiences.  So many here in Vegas... but you have to look to find the really good ones.

    Very true, there are some awesome ones back home.  The same goes for a good BBQ. There's a place in Los Angeles called JR's that's in a tiny building the size of maybe a Starbucks or Subway and man, they have some of the BEST BBQ'd pork and potato salad I've ever had.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    I crave cinnamon rolls, good ice cream, t-bones, loose women, good beer, nanaimo bars, poutine and many other Canadian foods, especially anything ridiculously sweet/douzed in maple syrup or icing. I can't get any of that here, cept for the loose women, and there aren't any in the Okinawan country side, fuck my life.In all seriousness, I think now's a good time to tell my inner fat kid to go die in a fire. the hell can you tell your Inner Fat Kid to do such a horrible act? You know it's commiting suicide!

    Don't even get me started on cinnamon rolls! If anyone on here ever makes it to Fort Collins, Colorado go to the Silver Grill in Old Town. They make these fucking amazing MASSIVE cinnamon rolls fresh every day and even though they close at 2 in the afternoon they sell out of the rolls pretty much every day.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    How I wish I could fly to the states for every CN…


    David Margittai

    Don't even get me started on cinnamon rolls! If anyone on here ever makes it to Fort Collins, Colorado go to the Silver Grill in Old Town. They make these fucking amazing MASSIVE cinnamon rolls fresh every day and even though they close at 2 in the afternoon they sell out of the rolls pretty much every day.

    Noted. Fort Collins, CO now joins every location featured on Man vs. Food on my list of places to binge before I die.



    How I wish I could fly to the states for every CN...

    Me too.

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