Got Cravings?

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    Don't even get me started on cinnamon rolls! If anyone on here ever makes it to Fort Collins, Colorado go to the Silver Grill in Old Town. They make these fucking amazing MASSIVE cinnamon rolls fresh every day and even though they close at 2 in the afternoon they sell out of the rolls pretty much every day.

    Noted. Fort Collins, CO now joins every location featured on Man vs. Food on my list of places to binge before I die.

    Ha, no shit.  There's also a sandwich joint called "Cheeba Hut" (appropriate considering the town(s) they're in (Fort Collins and Boulder) where you can get an awesome pulled pork sandwich called the "Castro".



    French fucking toast. It's gonna be in my belly on Christmas Eve.  Also I think I'm going to make some molasses cookies.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Jason Berrigan

    Nutella and peanut butter!!! Any low carb version of those out there?Sent from my Galaxy Nexus


    Richard Schmitt

    French fucking toast. It's gonna be in my belly on Christmas Eve.  Also I think I'm going to make some molasses cookies.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Take some bananas, pure vanilla, egg nog, and maybe some cinnamon. Blend all that together. Heat up a griddle, dip bread slices into egg nog mix, make your French toast with a little Christmas kick 😉



    French fucking toast. It's gonna be in my belly on Christmas Eve.  Also I think I'm going to make some molasses cookies.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Take some bananas, pure vanilla, egg nog, and maybe some cinnamon. Blend all that together. Heat up a griddle, dip bread slices into egg nog mix, make your French toast with a little Christmas kick 😉

    Oh.My.God.  That sounds AMAZING.  Thank you for the tip, I'll make it happen.  Man, how can I wait until Christmas Eve to do that?


    Lesli Bortz

    They might need to be tested before then…


    Richard Schmitt

    Well…do what I do, make them ahead and let others try it out. If they like it then you'll know it's good to go. Phx, are you saying that recipe doesn't sound too thrilling?


    Lesli Bortz

    Quite the contrary….why wait until Christmas Eve…I think part of the allure of CN/CBL is the expectation of amazing carbs though…lol…



    Quite the contrary....why wait until Christmas Eve...I think part of the allure of CN/CBL is the expectation of amazing carbs

    The only reason I should wait is because I had an "extra" CN on Sunday night.  Agreed though, the anticipation is part of the allure. 



    I sure do miss pasta.  It kills me when my parents are mowing down a plate of ravioli or tortellini.


    Richard Schmitt

    Just one of those days I'm craving carbs…especially some cake and Rice Chex Treats…


    Robert Gray

    I have weird non-cravings all throughout the week.  I like the idea of baking some goodies and stockpiling chocolate bars to destroy like a saurian, but by the time I get to my CN, all I can think is “darnit, I have to do this again…”Right now, the "ideas" that sound good are a Lindt white chocolate/coconut bar and some GF monkey bread.


    Richard Schmitt

    I always think about it on the second ULC day of what to make and how to make it better. Things to try different every time. By the fifth day…I'm like damn…I have to wait two more days haha.Speaking of Chocolate Bars, I found these ONE time in my local Central Market and never seen again..which throughly upsets me...


    Robert Gray

    I always think about it on the second ULC day of what to make and how to make it better. Things to try different every time. By the fifth day...I'm like damn...I have to wait two more days haha.Speaking of Chocolate Bars, I found these ONE time in my local Central Market and never seen again..which throughly upsets me...

    That looks pretty good.  Back when I was doing straight paleo, I was highly attached to Lindt's 90% cocoa bar, which had only 2g of sugar I think.  Now the Fresh Market close to me stocks the Lindt 99% cocoa bar, which is freaking intense (I've actually never seen it in the US before).  Less than 1g of sugar, almost pure dark cocoa.  I actually have half a bar or so on ULC days when I feel the urge.But when I want a gourmet bar for a special CN, this is my first choice:


    Richard Schmitt

    I always think about it on the second ULC day of what to make and how to make it better. Things to try different every time. By the fifth day...I'm like damn...I have to wait two more days haha.Speaking of Chocolate Bars, I found these ONE time in my local Central Market and never seen again..which throughly upsets me...

    That looks pretty good.  Back when I was doing straight paleo, I was highly attached to Lindt's 90% cocoa bar, which had only 2g of sugar I think.  Now the Fresh Market close to me stocks the Lindt 99% cocoa bar, which is freaking intense (I've actually never seen it in the US before).  Less than 1g of sugar, almost pure dark cocoa.  I actually have half a bar or so on ULC days when I feel the urge.But when I want a gourmet bar for a special CN, this is my first choice:

    They have other flavors and I feel dumb for not getting. I was thinking "oh they'll have these when I come back, I'll enjoy one now and get more later"...yeah didn't happen. I've seen those here too! They look great. I have to watch out for milk though  🙁

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