Grass-Fed vs. Grain Fed Survey

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    I have researched, and reported upon the analysis of Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Beef Products. Upon the completion of this report, I was asked to compile an argumentative essay, before writing my essay I am getting an audience (reader) analysis. Below you will find 10 questions. I ask that if you answer them, please complete all 10 questions, and answer honestly. You may PM your answers to me if you wish. Thanks in advance to all members who participate! You are greatly helping in my efforts to compile an argument with this topic. 1. Do you consume beef products (i.e. Red Meat, Milk, Butter)2. What are the particular aspects of beef products you look for when purchasing (i.e. fat content, source, brand, etc)?3. When purchasing beef products, do you purchase grass-fed or standard grain-fed products?4. Why?5. Is cost a limiting factor in your decision of which type of product to purchase? If so, why?6. What is your current knowledge on the different characteristics of Grass-Fed and Grain-Fed Products?7. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grass-fed products?8. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grain-fed products?9. What is your educational background?10. What is your occupational background?


    Sharon W

    1.  Do you consume beef products (i.e. Red Meat, Milk, Butter) yes2.  What are the particular aspects of beef products you look for when purchasing (i.e. fat content, source, brand, etc)? Source, diet of animal 3.  When purchasing beef products, do you purchase grass-fed or standard grain-fed products? As often as possible4.  Why? Healthier product comes from animals raised on pasture as opposed to a feed lot.5.  Is cost a limiting factor in your decision of which type of product to purchase? If so, why? I sometimes have limited budget. Try to buy in bulk to avoid that6.  What is your current knowledge on the different characteristics of Grass-Fed and Grain-Fed Products? Grass fed animals are consuming what they were designed to consume. Ruminants eat grass not corn. Therefor they are healthier and I want to eat healthy meats. Also higher in CLA7.  What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grass-fed products?8.  What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grain-fed products?9.  What is your educational background? Associates in graphic design10.  What is your occupational background? Graphic designer till 94, then small business owner. First selling educational materials and now health/nutritional foods


    Tony Snow

    I have researched, and reported upon the analysis of Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Beef Products. Upon the completion of this report, I was asked to compile an argumentative essay, before writing my essay I am getting an audience (reader) analysis. Below you will find 10 questions. I ask that if you answer them, please complete all 10 questions, and answer honestly. You may PM your answers to me if you wish. Thanks in advance to all members who participate! You are greatly helping in my efforts to compile an argument with this topic. 1. Do you consume beef products (i.e. Red Meat, Milk, Butter) Yes2. What are the particular aspects of beef products you look for when purchasing (i.e. fat content, source, brand, etc)? Fat content and completely grass fed as opposed to "grass finished"3. When purchasing beef products, do you purchase grass-fed or standard grain-fed products? Grass fed4. Why?  For the additional CLA's to assist with fat burning5. Is cost a limiting factor in your decision of which type of product to purchase? If so, why? No, my health is worth it...I spent more on pizza and buffalo wings each weekend.6. What is your current knowledge on the different characteristics of Grass-Fed and Grain-Fed Products? Grass fed is healthier for me and the saturated fat is of a better quality, plus more CLA's7. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grass-fed products?  Are there any adverse effects of eating primarily grass fed8. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grain-fed products? Can they be an effective part of a ULC or Paleo lifestyle9. What is your educational background?  BS in Computer Science10. What is your occupational background? Sales Management, Coach/Developer, Facilitator, Motivational Speaker, DJ



    1. Do you consume beef products (i.e. Red Meat, Milk, Butter)Yes. Copiously.2. What are the particular aspects of beef products you look for when purchasing (i.e. fat content, source, brand, etc)?Locality, diet, humanity, hormone/antibiotics usage3. When purchasing beef products, do you purchase grass-fed or standard grain-fed products?9 out of 10 times, 100% grass fed. Other 1 out of 10, grass-fed,grain finished4. Why?Yummier, healthier, more sustainable, support local farms5. Is cost a limiting factor in your decision of which type of product to purchase? If so, why?No6. What is your current knowledge on the different characteristics of Grass-Fed and Grain-Fed Products?High7. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grass-fed products?N/A8. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grain-fed products?N/A9. What is your educational background?Bachelor's Degree10. What is your occupational background?Customer Service, Sales, Retail.


    Richard Schmitt

    1. Do you consume beef products (i.e. Red Meat, Milk, Butter)2. What are the particular aspects of beef products you look for when purchasing (i.e. fat content, source, brand, etc)?3. When purchasing beef products, do you purchase grass-fed or standard grain-fed products?4. Why?5. Is cost a limiting factor in your decision of which type of product to purchase? If so, why?6. What is your current knowledge on the different characteristics of Grass-Fed and Grain-Fed Products?7. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grass-fed products?8. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grain-fed products?9. What is your educational background?10. What is your occupational background?

    1) Yes. 2) Sometimes fat content. Not a major concern. 3) Grain-Fed unless Grass-Fed is on sale. 4) Price. 5) Cost yes, because for the amount of beef needed to be consumed, Grass-Fed is fairly expensive and I can replace Grain-Fed Fat with a Grass-Fed Butter. Cheaper alternative. 6) With unlimited resources out there from well known and smart individuals, I'd say my current knowledge is only a click away.7) Do farms have a plan for cold harsh months where grass is unavailable. If so, what. 8) Is there a plan for animals being fed grains, to be almost as healthy as being fed grass. 9) High School and Life. 10) N/A



    First off, I'm very interested to read through these! I don't have much knowledge on grass fed since its just one of those things I haven't had a chance to research yet, and I'm all for gleaning as much as I can. So having everyone fill one of these out kind of help the knowledge spread.

    1. Do you consume beef products (i.e. Red Meat, Milk, Butter) Yes2. What are the particular aspects of beef products you look for when purchasing (i.e. fat content, source, brand, etc)?Fat content, if I purchase grass fed I want a high fat content, if I purchase grain fed I look for a very low fat content and add my own fats.3. When purchasing beef products, do you purchase grass-fed or standard grain-fed products? Both, typically 50/504. Why? I haven't researched grass-fed vs grain fed yet myself, just going off the knowledge I've picked up from other people and have yet to be scared away from grain fed, though I know grass fed to be a superior product.5. Is cost a limiting factor in your decision of which type of product to purchase? If so, why? Yes, because I grew up all my live as a penny pincher, and spending twice as much for grass fed? Really puts pressure on my stingy background. I live my life with the mantra "we don't have money." Even when we do. Just the way I was raised.6. What is your current knowledge on the different characteristics of Grass-Fed and Grain-Fed Products? Not too much to be honest. I know grass fed butter sure tastes better! I will only use grain fed in baking, not cooking or on my scones. Grain fed tastes watery to me. I also am aware that grass-fed is much better for your body since the animal is being fed what it naturally would eat if there were wild cows roaming the prairies.7. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grass-fed products? Everything, eventually.8. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grain-fed products? See above.9. What is your educational background? Some college10. What is your occupational background? Alaskan salmon seiner, retail, property manager.



    1. Do you consume beef products (i.e. Red Meat, Milk, Butter) Yes, mainly butter and meat2. What are the particular aspects of beef products you look for when purchasing (i.e. fat content, source, brand, etc)? mainly price and cut3. When purchasing beef products, do you purchase grass-fed or standard grain-fed products? standard grain-fed4. Why? In Canada, this is a much more cost effective and more accessible option5. Is cost a limiting factor in your decision of which type of product to purchase? If so, why? Yes, mainly due to my income and also the high price of grass fed beef in my area. The cost is so much higher that it makes grass fed beef a treat instead of a staple6. What is your current knowledge on the different characteristics of Grass-Fed and Grain-Fed Products? I know about the better fatty acid profile and the effects of cows eating their proper diet versus that they get in a commercialized facility7. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grass-fed products? How to make the production of it more sustainable and cost effective.8.  What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grain-fed products? What alternative/healthier options are available to have the profile come closer to grass fed beef9. What is your educational background? Commerce with a specialization in Finance10. What is your occupational background? Porfolio Management as an Administrator


    1. Yes, all 3.2. Grass-fed, raw with milk, local.3. Grass-fed 80% of the time, grain fed when needed (I don't buy milk or butter from grain fed source)4. As cost allow I prefer grass-fed for the health benefit and taste5. Changing income based on flow of clientele means sometimes other things must take priority. 6. Improved fatty acid profile, in most cases it's farm more responsibly and is more sustainable. 7/8. If a isocaloric diet in which 80% of the protein and fat came from red meat, would there be any body comp. differences. 9. Massage therapists, body worker, Postural therapist, make-up artist10. See above.



    I have researched, and reported upon the analysis of Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Beef Products. Upon the completion of this report, I was asked to compile an argumentative essay, before writing my essay I am getting an audience (reader) analysis. Below you will find 10 questions. I ask that if you answer them, please complete all 10 questions, and answer honestly. You may PM your answers to me if you wish. Thanks in advance to all members who participate! You are greatly helping in my efforts to compile an argument with this topic. 1. Do you consume beef products (i.e. Red Meat, Milk, Butter)yes2. What are the particular aspects of beef products you look for when purchasing (i.e. fat content, source, brand, etc)?country of origin, price, cut of meat3. When purchasing beef products, do you purchase grass-fed or standard grain-fed products?primarily grass fed4. Why?its how we do it in New Zealand5. Is cost a limiting factor in your decision of which type of product to purchase? If so, why?only when it comes to the cut of meat6. What is your current knowledge on the different characteristics of Grass-Fed and Grain-Fed Products?grass fed is better for the animal which should translate to better for us7. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grass-fed products?nothing in particular8. What (if anything) would you like to know more about of grain-fed products?nothing in particular9. What is your educational background?school and stuff. self taught10. What is your occupational background?bits and pieces, this and that



    Want to thank everyone again for the responses. Tonight I'm writing my cover letter on how Ill be addressing the argument based on your responses. You've all been a great help!


    Sharon W

    Another reason to eat grass fed…ran across the article earlier, link to new report from John Hopkins is attached to it

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Grass-Fed vs. Grain Fed Survey

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