Guess people don’t care anymore…

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    Richard Schmitt
    Moderator–abc-news-health.htmlThis was highly talked about on the news for the last two days...


    stupid americans… lol This country needs to hit the reset button


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes yes we do…it gets worse, found in Men's Fitness magazine how prices on everything has to go up because of the obesity problem. Thus why I bike/walk everywhere. I don't want to be part of that percentage.



    It's really sad….hopefully we wake up!



    Its more pathetic than sad.  People just need to wake the fuck up. If they knew just how badly they were treating their bodies, and just how easy it is to correct it, that number would probably be cut in half.I think most people just don't know how wrong they are, and does not realize that you can diet without starving yourself, or running a marathon every day. The rest are just weak minded, lazy and lack self control. this is a bit harder to fix, but people can change themselves and their attitudes. It takes a lot of mental work, but once you have decided to try and work for that change, the hardest part is over, you no longer are a useless cunt.



    I used to be part of that percentage a few years ago. Thank god I found diet and exercise.


    Richard Schmitt

    I was a percentage too, I think most people were, but actually wanted to change themselves without realizing they were part of this percentage.



    I used to be really obese. Then I got into weight training, started to learn about nutrition, and now I get a little bit closer to being 100% awesome, every single day!


    I used to be really obese too.A little over a year ago I weight 330 lbs, (140 more then now)I agree it's pathetic, with a few changes it's easy to have a decent BF% and not excercise much and not really worry about macros or k/cals much.I think one of the biggest problems we have is the government and all the schools giving us nutrition advice that does nothing but makes us fat, sick, and stupid.



    Yeah, the main reason for my obesity was my own ignorance and stupidity. And we did not get pizza at school, we got milk and fruit!


    Well we are just a bunch of fat asses huh? lol… If we are talking strictly diet in why this country is fucked. It comes from ignorance and laziness.We are a convenience country, if it is convenient we will pay anything for it, but if something takes work and doesn't show immediate results why do it?Plus we have been blinded by packaging and marketing. Our "logic" if you want to call it that tells us if it's neatly packaged in plastic this must be a portion. If mom handed us a plate of food which he had to eat before getting desert that must mean I have to eat everything the restaurant gives me.Now these Read the box or whatever campaigns for kids are only slightly starting to help the general population lean to at least look at what the portion is vs calories. Let's not even start on Macros, I would be just happy if people realized a better observance of what they are putting in their body.Damn I was a huge retard when it came to all of this and more. I didn't ever thing that soda had calories or juice. I prob drank a 1000 calories in a meal sometimes with free refills. I don't think even all the diet this and diet that people realize all the calories they could be drinking.



    Its not just America. Its most of the modern and western world. Norway has a big problem with obesity, and the newspapers are cashing in big on it. there has not been a single day without the two major newspapers pushing some stupid nutrition or training quick 1 : Fat makes you fat!  10 tips to avoid dangerous fats!day 2 : how fat can make you slim! 5 strategies that work!day 3 : get fit in 6 weeks with bosu training! out experts explainday 4 : everyone with a brain stops reading norwegian "news" publications.


    Richard Schmitt

    I know I'm young and still had A LOT to learn, but when I was in high school we had a vending machine area, an area just for fatty pizza, an area for chicken sandwiches, and an area for the main lunch line. Plus we're allowed off campus to various restaurants, also had teachers who had “treats”/”snacks” for us to buy during the day. I was a fat kid in high school, and had no idea of calories or nutrition. I weighed 210lbs, at a height of 5'10″. I would eat two honey buns with two dr peppers in class then go have a fatty fast food lunch then get more soda…list goes on and on. Barely, BARELY learned about how I messed up my body. Now I'm paying for it. After joining the Marine Corps in 2009 dropping 25lbs in three months, I liked it but gained it all back because the lack of knowledge, once I decided to change this beginning of 2011, I have probably dropped 20-30lbs of fat but gained muscle as well. Weight going up and down. Now since beginning of 2012, I FINALLY understand how nutrition/dieting works and FINALLY understand how to lift weights properly. I'm still a skinny-fat kid but I'm doing my very best to change that and even got my family involved in changing the way they eat and being active. Like I said I messed up before and now I'm paying for it.



    I used to be that but luckly i found myself only at 16 and dropped 90 pounds.  Now im just a fatass lazy powerlifter, lol.  I think on the other hand people like us need to step back and not obsess so much.  I find myself going NUTS on certain foods and what to eat/not eat.  I think having pizza ice cream and beer once a month isnt going to do anything.



    TL: DNR notes to my post: The people you're talking about here don't care because they don't have to________________________________________________________________________________________I pose this as a serious question:From a survival standpoint (different than assuming the goal is to thrive), why would somebody in today's American society really care if they are fat?  Are they taken care of regardless or at least told they will be?  (Yes.) Is physical exercise optional today as opposed to the hunter-gatherer days where it is necessary just to live another day?  (Yes.) Is anybody living in America today, if they so choose, provided by our culture with an endless stream of superficial diversions so that they can avoid recognizing the way they are treating themselves?  Yes.  It's not failure of these people, they're just at the mercy of their brains trying to do the least amount possible to pop out a kid or two, continue the species, and then kick the bucket.  It's been shown over and over that unless we have some kind of experience that jars us into taking action, the aforementioned is kind of our default mode, and rightly so when you think the conditions of early humans.  I fully believe if you want to end the obesity problem in America you need to start at the level of our collective psyche and do some serious belief-hacking, because the reality is 9 out 10 people in this country walk around feeling like shit about themselves all day and then they're allowed to hide from it and let the cycle continue.  -Adam

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Guess people don’t care anymore…

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