Guess people don’t care anymore…

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    Brandon D Christ

    I agree with Adam.  It is human nature to do as little work as possible and eat all the food you want.  I actually think the obesity problem will not go away, unless the price of food increases by a lot.  Then people wouldn't eat so much.  While most people on here pay a pretty high price for the foods we eat, this is because we consume highly nutritous foods that cost a lot of money.  There isn't a place in the world where food is more cheaply available then america.Fact:  in the 1950s, american households spent 25% of their budget on food.  Now it is about 12%.It is cheaper for us to buy frozen pizzas than it is to buy grass fed beef.  People don't want to spend their hard earned cash on food.  Then they wouldn't be able to buy their digital cable package with with every NFL and MLB game on it.  Don't get me started on sports too.  They contribute to the problem as well.



    I agree with Adam.  It is human nature to do as little work as possible and eat all the food you want.  I actually think the obesity problem will not go away, unless the price of food increases by a lot.  Then people wouldn't eat so much.  While most people on here pay a pretty high price for the foods we eat, this is because we consume highly nutritous foods that cost a lot of money.  There isn't a place in the world where food is more cheaply available then america.Fact:  in the 1950s, american households spent 25% of their budget on food.  Now it is about 12%.It is cheaper for us to buy frozen pizzas than it is to buy grass fed beef.  People don't want to spend their hard earned cash on food.  Then they wouldn't be able to buy their digital cable package with with every NFL and MLB game on it.  Don't get me started on sports too.  They contribute to the problem as well.

    I think there will be an insurance shift and people will pay a premium to be gluttonous and lazy (ie obese).  I dont think we can all keep paying for those that refuse to take care of themselves.  If this shift happens and it hits people in their paycheck I bet they would do something about it.  Im not saying its a perfect answer but just an idea. 


    Richard Schmitt

    Speaking of people not caring, do any of y'all watch Supernatural? They got this whole series on the bad guy trying to take over humanity by eating them, literally, so he bought out a company that is into corn syrup, etc. basically what I'm trying to get at is they've got what humanity is already doing, eating excess amounts of junk food uncontrollably making themselves stupid fat. The show is putting emphasize on the bad eating habits we have and are doing. Thought I'd share that too.



    I think there will be an insurance shift and people will pay a premium to be gluttonous and lazy (ie obese).  I dont think we can all keep paying for those that refuse to take care of themselves.  If this shift happens and it hits people in their paycheck I bet they would do something about it.  Im not saying its a perfect answer but just an idea.

    I completely agree with you that there simply isn't enough pain related to being fat or ignoring your health on a regular basis to produce the shift.  Honestly I think this is part of a way deeper problem in the way American children grow up (myself included in this bunch for a long long while):  There are very few legitimate physical and/or intense emotional rites of passage into adulthood anymore, and thus you end up with a society of overgrown children, and with this comes the mentality that "somebody will take care of me" and a lack of personal responsibility.  I think people legitimately walk around all day thinking the can fill the happiness void with a Twinkie or a ticket to a sports game. -AdamPeople already are paying a premium to be gluttonous and lazy



    Doomed. The human race is Utterly, totally, quite extremely doomed. People are de-evolving into lazy, fat, sick and stupid bags of breeding meat, who go through life barely aware of their own existence.In the long term, this will take care of itself, as we slowly die out from obesity, cancer, syndrome X, overpopulation and blatant ignorance of our selfish and unsustainable way of life.In the short term however, people are de-evolving, and it is not costing them enough. So what if it cuts my life in half? i wold much rather have ten easy years, than live a long and healthy life, where i can't smoke, have to watch what i eat, and actually move more than my bladder forces me to! I might get diabetes, but not in many years! no need to worry!. It is a well known human cognitive/mental fallacy that people want a small reward now, rather than a big reward later. Its the same with risk. It its not an immediate risk, but a risk in the distant future, people struggle thinking about it as a real and actual risk. You can be fat stupid and sick, and still live an easy, comfortable life, and reproduce like crazy. Because of that, people don't see laziness, obesity, stupidity and unhealthy habits as anything negative. that is as far as most people dare to think.



    Doomed. The human race is Utterly, totally, quite extremely doomed. People are de-evolving into lazy, fat, sick and stupid bags of breeding meat, who go through life barely aware of their own existence.In the long term, this will take care of itself, as we slowly die out from obesity, cancer, syndrome X, overpopulation and blatant ignorance of our selfish and unsustainable way of life.In the short term however, people are de-evolving, and it is not costing them enough. So what if it cuts my life in half? i wold much rather have ten easy years, than live a long and healthy life, where i can't smoke, have to watch what i eat, and actually move more than my bladder forces me to! I might get diabetes, but not in many years! no need to worry!. It is a well known human cognitive/mental fallacy that people want a small reward now, rather than a big reward later. Its the same with risk. It its not an immediate risk, but a risk in the distant future, people struggle thinking about it as a real and actual risk. You can be fat stupid and sick, and still live an easy, comfortable life, and reproduce like crazy. Because of that, people don't see laziness, obesity, stupidity and unhealthy habits as anything negative. that is as far as most people dare to think.

    It will take care of itself eventually....Darwin said so.  I just want my blood line to be on the "fittest" side of things.


    Richard Schmitt

    Unfortunately Texas has a lot of the main fat cities. I live in of them too. I'll be at the store and see this. I walk up and down the “healthier” isles, and I'll be the only one there. I'll go down the cookie isle…I'll see three or four people. What's wrong is also that I walk to the grocery store and when I'm leaving with a couple bags of groceries, I'll get a comment asking if I'm actually walking home, and scoffed at. I live a mile in a half away from the nearest grocery store. Also get honked at or something said when I bike to and from the gym. That's three+ miles away from my home. I feel actually lazy when I don't walk/bike anywhere. I stole this from another area I posted in. I get self-conscious if I start to look bad, I really do not want to become part of that percentage, let alone let my family get that way either. I won't force my kids (when I have them) to workout but I won't let them become unhealthy like I see other kids/adults have become. I was reading an article a while back how obesity is becoming the new “normal”, so by wanting to train and wanting to try and look good, makes me a “freak/abnormal”? I get unwanted comments when I tell people I don't eat fast food, and they get mad when I don't want to eat out (at a fast food joint). Also this hype about eating wheat made products or wanting to eat “healthy” in the more convient way doesn't help anyone, makes things worse. If anyone reads Men's Health Eat This, Not That, actually shows/explains a lot on how certain foods aren't all that great that many Americans go for. Since people don't care anymore, our government doesn't care anymore either. Thus why it is honestly difficult to find those better foods. It'll be because the prices are too high so stores won't carry them, they don't want to lose profits and/or because no one wants it. It's also irritating when our government wants to go the cheaper route for putting ingredients in our foods, making it more difficult to “care” and to find our foods. Again just leads back to laziness and stupidity.



    What suprises me the most is that i cant believe that some people actually enjoy looking like shit and feeling like shit everyday. Or even looking at themselves in the mirror in the morning. They probably dnt even have mirrors in their houses.


    Richard Schmitt

    What suprises me the most is that i cant believe that some people actually enjoy looking like shit and feeling like shit everyday. Or even looking at themselves in the mirror in the morning. They probably dnt even have mirrors in their houses.

    That whole saying of, "what ever makes you feel happy 'inside' is what counts".


    Brandon D Christ

    The problem is that most people don't REALLY view being overweight and having a poor diet as unhealthy.  Everyone knows being morbidly obese where you are 100+ pounds overweight is bad for you health and that you will get some disease.  However, most people don't know the benefits of being fit.  Chances are, a fit person and someone who is 20 or 30 pounds overweight will probably live the same amount time and probably won't differ in medical condition.  Maybe the overweight person might have higher chlosterol and blood pressure, but that is about it.  We all get sicka and die eventually, no matter how perfect your diet is.  I think that is all how people measure health, by the same metrics a doctor does.The main benefits to being fit really are that you are less sluggish, your mind is sharper, able to walk upstairs without shortness of breath, and being able to do manual labor without being sore the next day.  All of these are things that only the person experiencing them can or will notice.  I think our leaders view overweightness as a purely cosmetic issue because of this.  By leaders, I don't just mean politicians, but also doctors, scientists, and academics.  Of they don't view it as a problem, then the population won't either.



    Look no further than this……


    Richard Schmitt

    Wow seriously?


    Brandon D Christ

    Look no further than this......

    I keep seeing more and more of this.  Obviously I don't want to put anyone down for anything and I would rather help them.  However, I think we would be better off being like ancient Rome and ancient Greece, where being fat was incredibly shameful, instead of saying "there is nothing wrong with being fat".


    Look no further than this......

    I keep seeing more and more of this.  Obviously I don't want to put anyone down for anything and I would rather help them.  However, I think we would be better off being like ancient Rome and ancient Greece, where being fat was incredibly shameful, instead of saying "there is nothing wrong with being fat".

    I agree.I used to be morbidly obese and I get really pissed off by the "It's okay to be fat"People don't seem to have any idea what they are doing to themselves and their family and friends by letting their health go to the way side like this.I don't think being fat is okay, it's not healthy, and it's a drain on health care.I'm not saying you need to have a six pack or anything, but people should have a moderate BF%.What also pisses me off is the fact it's not that hard. Spend a little time reading and learning, and learn the difference between a mouth and a vacuum.



    Look no further than this......

    I keep seeing more and more of this.  Obviously I don't want to put anyone down for anything and I would rather help them.  However, I think we would be better off being like ancient Rome and ancient Greece, where being fat was incredibly shameful, instead of saying "there is nothing wrong with being fat".

    I agree.I used to be morbidly obese and I get really pissed off by the "It's okay to be fat"People don't seem to have any idea what they are doing to themselves and their family and friends by letting their health go to the way side like this.I don't think being fat is okay, it's not healthy, and it's a drain on health care.I'm not saying you need to have a six pack or anything, but people should have a moderate BF%.What also pisses me off is the fact it's not that hard. Spend a little time reading and learning, and learn the difference between a mouth and a vacuum.

    I couldn't possibly agree more.

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Guess people don’t care anymore…

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