Guess people don’t care anymore…

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    Damon Amato

    lol about that site. Can't wait to see the responses I get from posting it on FB.



    I have a problem with “happy fatties” because they are dirty fucking liars. When obese and overweight people say that they love their body, I know they are lying. I used to be obese and i cant imagine anyone ever being satisfied with that. They are lying to themselves and everyone.Fat acceptance groups are retarded. "Hey, lets start a group that tells people its okay to be obese. Lets prevent as many people as possible from getting more healthy!" Its not fat acceptance, its diabetes acceptance.


    I have a problem with "happy fatties" because they are dirty fucking liars. When obese and overweight people say that they love their body, I know they are lying. I used to be obese and i cant imagine anyone ever being satisfied with that. They are lying to themselves and everyone.Fat acceptance groups are retarded. "Hey, lets start a group that tells people its okay to be obese. Lets prevent as many people as possible from getting more healthy!" Its not fat acceptance, its diabetes acceptance.




    Oh you Americans making us Canadians look great 🙂 Just joking I'm pretty sure the obesity rates of both countries are comparable although I've never checked but when I go to walmart the ratio of obese to average ppl is like 3:1 and the ratio of obese to fit ppl is like 20:1. I used to be fat, developed type 2 diabetes and decided to do something about it. 4 years ago I started bodybuilding and 6 months ago I beat diabetes without ever taking a pill or shot of insulin. My doctor told me that out of his 31 diabetic patients I was the only one to even attempt to beat it, everyone else just took the pills. Pretty sad.


    Brandon D Christ

    Oh you Americans making us Canadians look great 🙂 Just joking I'm pretty sure the obesity rates of both countries are comparable although I've never checked but when I go to walmart the ratio of obese to average ppl is like 3:1 and the ratio of obese to fit ppl is like 20:1. I used to be fat, developed type 2 diabetes and decided to do something about it. 4 years ago I started bodybuilding and 6 months ago I beat diabetes without ever taking a pill or shot of insulin. My doctor told me that out of his 31 diabetic patients I was the only one to even attempt to beat it, everyone else just took the pills. Pretty sad.

    Do people know that you can get rid of diabetes (in the initial stages from what I understand?) by losing weight and exercising?  Like I don't know, but diabetes always seemed to me to be a serious conidtion and I would think that it would drive people to want to lose weight and exercise so they simply don't have it.  I bet a cancer patient wishes they could just do that and it would go away.



    Oh you Americans making us Canadians look great 🙂 Just joking I'm pretty sure the obesity rates of both countries are comparable although I've never checked but when I go to walmart the ratio of obese to average ppl is like 3:1 and the ratio of obese to fit ppl is like 20:1. I used to be fat, developed type 2 diabetes and decided to do something about it. 4 years ago I started bodybuilding and 6 months ago I beat diabetes without ever taking a pill or shot of insulin. My doctor told me that out of his 31 diabetic patients I was the only one to even attempt to beat it, everyone else just took the pills. Pretty sad.

    Do people know that you can get rid of diabetes (in the initial stages from what I understand?) by losing weight and exercising?  Like I don't know, but diabetes always seemed to me to be a serious conidtion and I would think that it would drive people to want to lose weight and exercise so they simply don't have it.  I bet a cancer patient wishes they could just do that and it would go away.

    They probably don't know, but what cancer patients probably don't know either, is that cancer cells can't metabolize ketones and zero carb diets seem to stop many cancers from continuing to grow.  The scientific community, however, has known this for more than SEVENTY years.  Otto Warburg even won a Nobel Prize for discovering this.  What multiple sclerosis patients probably don't know is how Terry Wahls (MD) reversed her own MS with a specific Paleo diet.  Yes, reversed, like "here is her in a wheelchair, oh look here she is three years later riding her bike."  She gave a talk at TED awhile back on how she did it.The list goes on...-Adam



    They probably don't know, but what cancer patients probably don't know either, is that cancer cells can't metabolize ketones and zero carb diets seem to stop many cancers from continuing to grow.  The scientific community, however, has known this for more than SEVENTY years.  Otto Warburg even won a Nobel Prize for discovering this.  What multiple sclerosis patients probably don't know is how Terry Wahls (MD) reversed her own MS with a specific Paleo diet.  Yes, reversed, like "here is her in a wheelchair, oh look here she is three years later riding her bike."  She gave a talk at TED awhile back on how she did it.The list goes on...-Adam

    That was a fantastic presentation, she actually cured MS through diet (link below to story and youtube vid), and that is interesting regarding the cancer proliferation.  I will have to check that out.


    Richard Schmitt

    It's amazing what a little bit of exercise and nutrition can do for a person. Just 30-45 minutes a day, 2-3x a week, with a good nutrition, we wouldn't have this problem. And people wouldn't be all that sick. I have a medical problem and I care enough to try my best to get it resolved and under control. Which will soon happen.



    They probably don't know, but what cancer patients probably don't know either, is that cancer cells can't metabolize ketones and zero carb diets seem to stop many cancers from continuing to grow.  The scientific community, however, has known this for more than SEVENTY years.  Otto Warburg even won a Nobel Prize for discovering this.  What multiple sclerosis patients probably don't know is how Terry Wahls (MD) reversed her own MS with a specific Paleo diet.  Yes, reversed, like "here is her in a wheelchair, oh look here she is three years later riding her bike."  She gave a talk at TED awhile back on how she did it.The list goes on...-Adam

    That was a fantastic presentation, she actually cured MS through diet (link below to story and youtube vid), and that is interesting regarding the cancer proliferation.  I will have to check that out.

    Robb Wolf talks about cancer and ketosis here......



    I basically used a Paleo diet to cure diabetes, an Alkaline diet to be more specific.  I could have probably beaten it alot sooner but it took me a few years to learn about nutrition and exercise. When I started this adventure I didn't even know the difference between a deadlift and a squat or carbs from fat. physicians weren't very helpful either, I had to research everything for myself. I'm sure that not many people know that it is curable but they don't ask either. They go to a physician and get some pills to regulate their blood sugar, stop at McDonalds drive thru on their way home to watch doctor Phil and call their friends to look for sympathy. Sorry guys I'm venting a little lol


    Brandon D Christ

    I think the problem is nutrition is not taken seriously.  If you pop a pill, you get results immediately, but changing your diet takes a while.  The lipid hypothesis, I swear, is one of the worst things that ever came out of medicine and nutrition.  This is essentially the root of the anti-ketogenic and anti-low carb things you hear everywhere.



      The lipid hypothesis, I swear, is one of the worst things that ever came out of medicine and nutrition.  This is essentially the root of the anti-ketogenic and anti-low carb things you hear everywhere.

    To say the lipid hypothesis is the root of it would be like nobody accepting quantum mechanics after the supporting evidence was presented and then everybody blaming classical thermodynamics for all of the shortcoming in physics.  The lipid hypothesis was just that, a hypothesis, and though it's proponents were ignoring data and what other cultures had been doing for centuries, it surely can't be the hypothesis to blame, but the people who refused to consider alternatives (and still do to this day) who share at least as much responsibility for the current state of things.  In a legitimate community of scientific inquiry, the lipid hypothesis would be harmless.  In this field, however, it exposed the true agendas, cowardliness, and lack of responsibility of those with the most say on what gets accepted as passing for "knowledge".There's a quote from the famous physicist Richard Feynman where he's talking to a researcher whose colleague was caught fudging some data, and Feynman says something to effect of "Does it bother you more that your friend fudged the data, or that nobody knew enough to call them out on it?"  I think that applies quite well here.  -Adam


    Brandon D Christ

      The lipid hypothesis, I swear, is one of the worst things that ever came out of medicine and nutrition.  This is essentially the root of the anti-ketogenic and anti-low carb things you hear everywhere.

    To say the lipid hypothesis is the root of it would be like nobody accepting quantum mechanics after the supporting evidence was presented and then everybody blaming classical thermodynamics for all of the shortcoming in physics.  The lipid hypothesis was just that, a hypothesis, and though it's proponents were ignoring data and what other cultures had been doing for centuries, it surely can't be the hypothesis to blame, but the people who refused to consider alternatives (and still do to this day) who share at least as much responsibility for the current state of things.  In a legitimate community of scientific inquiry, the lipid hypothesis would be harmless.  In this field, however, it exposed the true agendas, cowardliness, and lack of responsibility of those with the most say on what gets accepted as passing for "knowledge".There's a quote from the famous physicist Richard Feynman where he's talking to a researcher whose colleague was caught fudging some data, and Feynman says something to effect of "Does it bother you more that your friend fudged the data, or that nobody knew enough to call them out on it?"  I think that applies quite well here.  -Adam

    You are certainly correct, but what I meant was that the people we trust (government, non-profits, academics) pretty much all go around asserting that the lipid hypothesis isn't a hypothesis, but an indisputable truth.  The result is that anyone who goes against it is considered a wack job.  People really don't have the time to study such things because they have other things to worry about.  I can't really blame people that think the lipid hypothesis is true, when nearly all of the people that are supposed to be experts on the matter all say it is true.  Sure WE all admire Kiefer, Wolf, Price, ect. for their research and work, but most people would consider them to crack pots. 



    It's really interesting that like you said, the Paleo movement is kind of shunned by many, when some of it's biggest proponents are from the most respected academic and performance-oriented organizations in the world.  Taubes--Stanford and Harvard GradMat LaLonde-Harvard PhDMark Sisson--Former member of the International Olympic CommitteeDave Asprey--Wharton GradI don't really believe that credentials mean shit, but you would just think that people who are conditioned to listen to the pundits would actually listen to the pundits. To be honest, given that the Ancestral Health Symposium (known as the "woodstock of Paleo") is held at Harvard every year now, I have no idea who the hell our government is listening to (besides the grain industry).  It's really sad.  -Adam


    Naomi Most

    It's really interesting that like you said, the Paleo movement is kind of shunned by many, when some of it's biggest proponents are from the most respected academic and performance-oriented organizations in the world.  Taubes--Stanford and Harvard GradMat LaLonde-Harvard PhDMark Sisson--Former member of the International Olympic CommitteeDave Asprey--Wharton GradI don't really believe that credentials mean shit, but you would just think that people who are conditioned to listen to the pundits would actually listen to the pundits. To be honest, given that the Ancestral Health Symposium (known as the "woodstock of Paleo") is held at Harvard every year now, I have no idea who the hell our government is listening to (besides the grain industry).  It's really sad.  -Adam

    well, those guys are all LIBERALS, clearly.  🙂

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