Guess people don’t care anymore…

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    Brandon D Christ

    I don't think this is anything related to liberals vs conservatives at all.  I kind of consider myself to be a conservative and I have many conservative friends that are interested in eating healthy.  Same thing with liberals I know.  I think the problem is ignorance and conflict of interest.  I personally believe that the USDA should just stick to enforcement of sanitary food practices and not give any dietary recomendations.  Americans knew how to eat before the USDA came along and told them how, look at the 18th and 19th century American diet.  It was a high protein, high saturated fat diet, pretty decent by our standards.  They wouldn't have thought twice about eating soy.



    Wait what we've got Michelle Obama as our nutritional spokesperson these days–you mean she's not the epitome of fitness?Adam


    Richard Schmitt

    Have y'all watched the HBO Film, Weight of the Nation yet? I'm watching it as I type this out, and it's really sad that people do know that they have a problem but again don't really care enough to try to fix it. Some of the people do try to lose the weight, and have good success. For example, the Judge who got a bariatric surgey had further problems due to the procedure, but after changing his way of life (eating right, exercising, etc) in 5 in a half months lost over 100lbs. Spreading the word now about exercising and eating better, can and will change the percentage rate of the growing obsedity


    Damon Amato

    I saw it.  It's ok but there is a “nutrition expert” that states 'a calorie is a calorie'.  Oy, not a good start.  However, it makes several comparisons to how much you actually have to exercise to burn off certain things, which I think will hit home for a lot of people very hard.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah doing a “little” won't really do much to lose weight, they had women on there walking between 6-9 miles during the day. I think it was every other day? I think by wearing one of those Heart Rate Monitors that track burned calories really show the corrected amount. I wear one when I do HIIT/Cardio.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yea even if the calories in vs calories out were true, it still wouldn't change the fact that exercise won't cause weight loss in the short term.


    Richard Schmitt

    I think the main theme everyone (including myself) that losing weight, losing fat, gaining strength and gaining muscle mass should realize is to apply a Life Changing Mindset.



    It's an warning, we all must care about our health.



    Yea even if the calories in vs calories out were true, it still wouldn't change the fact that exercise won't cause weight loss in the short term.

    Calories in, Calories out is a pretty interesting thing.  In fact, I would go say far to say that the basic tenet of this model is very very true (to lose weight you must burn more calories than you're taking in).  Nobody even debates that.  It's just how it's applied and the other assumptions that come along with it which multiply the nonsense factor by infinity. 



    makes me think if i opened a gym and tried to specialize in weight loss plans that i would have good business. thoughts?

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Guess people don’t care anymore…

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