Does anyone have any good recommendations for reading on progressing for ring work and BW stuff. I wanna get stronger and do more upper body work like leavers and HSPU. I really thing ring work is underrated for upper body development.
Check out Coach Sommer's stuff – http://www.gymnasticbodies.comI am doing the Foundation training at the moment. Amazing program (easily the best exercise regime I have seen). Some of the foundation strength training seems mundane - but it continues to humble me, despite years of previous training. ego has taken multiple hits from it - but man, I can see how it builds your all round strength up over time.
I've thought about rings myself, but I have concerns about how my nervous system would react to the unstable nature of the rings.
It's hard, but I haven't noticed it negatively effected my performance elsewhere yet. Although I've only really done basic bodyweight stuff and beginner progressions