Half reps (SSC)

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  • #5114

    Umayr Allem

    Nice video by Kiefer today on half reps. Seems similar to X-Reps and I have seen bodybuilders using it. I wanted to get a better handle where in the movement to use half reps for other body parts and movements. I see the example on chest. Would back be at the beginning stretched position, would squat be in the bottom of the movement. Also, if I incorporate half reps, will it reduce my range of movement/mobility over time?


    half reps are a fucking joke.This is how you build watery muscle.You don't build hard dense muscle this way. You do not get strong this way.If you don't care about strength continue doing half-reps.Half-rep squats will destroy your range of motion and it will destroy your knees. You'll also be weak because of all the muscles you won't be training. Horrible idea.



    half reps are a fucking joke.This is how you build watery muscle.You don't build hard dense muscle this way. You do not get strong this way.If you don't care about strength continue doing half-reps.Half-rep squats will destroy your range of motion and it will destroy your knees. You'll also be weak because of all the muscles you won't be training. Horrible idea.

    Although they may not a main part in powerlifters routine, saying half reps are useless, especially on a forum where a majority of ppl are very interested in building a aesthetic physique is fool-hearty.


    half reps are a fucking joke.This is how you build watery muscle.You don't build hard dense muscle this way. You do not get strong this way.If you don't care about strength continue doing half-reps.Half-rep squats will destroy your range of motion and it will destroy your knees. You'll also be weak because of all the muscles you won't be training. Horrible idea.

    Although they may not a main part in powerlifters routine, saying half reps are useless, especially on a forum where a majority of ppl are very interested in building a aesthetic physique is fool-hearty.

    They are useless if you want to build strength. If you don't care about strength (which comes from hard dense muscle) then you can find use in half-reps.Some people don't want to look strong. They want to be strong.



    Hypertrophy still equals strength. It is not the most direct path there, but half reps will still make you stronger.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSKkqnV9770&feature=plcp

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Half reps (SSC)

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