Halo-Plex (halodrol clone)

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    Is this why Arnold's body has gone down hill now?

    He's 65, maybe that's a reason?

    Lmmfao.Dianabol........... "the breakfast of champions" lol  --->  good ol arnie



    Tokyo lifter we are saying the same thing lol all I am saying is in the old days according to arnold he was on a lot less in the off season, not noe but not much and then as shows approach he would seriously gear the fuck up! I also agree about your comment about genticis their elite genetics have more to do with being able to handle incredible amounts of steroids and also the shape and size of their muscle bellies. Look at Phil Heath, it only took him 5 years to go pro and he started off as a little 5'10 basketball bitch, most guys it takes 10-15 years of hard training and anabolics to go pro he did in a third of the time. Just for shits check this thread out of offseason bodybuilders...I have never laughed so hard in my life these pictures just scream Deca/Dbol/Test e http://tnation.t-nation.com/free_online_forum/sports_body_training_performance_bodybuilding/offseason_bodybuilderssome of the pictures of JOhnnie Jackson and Dennis james  are ridiculos they look like the michelin man.

    Phil Heath is definitely in the top elite genetics in every regard.Good to see we agree!  ;D ;D ;D



    haha yeah dude we defs agree there! Man one of the salesman who works for the same company as I do but at a different location has the worst genetics its not even funny, I will vouch for the guy he eat 6-8 times a day 5-6000cals consistently and trains DC style pretty hard 4 days a week and he couln't build muscle for the life of him, they guy does not react to gear at all, his last cyle was a 200mg of Tren a eod, 250 mg prop eod with 6 week dbol kick and finisher and I swear he put on 5 pounds tops!! Been training and juicing for 15 years and is 6'0 210 about 12percent BF. Just shows how important genetics reallyare



    haha yeah dude we defs agree there! Man one of the salesman who works for the same company as I do but at a different location has the worst genetics its not even funny, I will vouch for the guy he eat 6-8 times a day 5-6000cals consistently and trains DC style pretty hard 4 days a week and he couln't build muscle for the life of him, they guy does not react to gear at all, his last cyle was a 200mg of Tren a eod, 250 mg prop eod with 6 week dbol kick and finisher and I swear he put on 5 pounds tops!! Been training and juicing for 15 years and is 6'0 210 about 12percent BF. Just shows how important genetics reallyare

    Or he got bunk gear.



    Nah he had Humatren, and the test e/c was pharma grade from the states, his uncle has a TRT prescription in Montana.



    Nah he had Humatren, and the test e/c was pharma grade from the states, his uncle has a TRT prescription in Montana.

    Well maybe he's an idiot, it's almost impossible NOT to grow on pharma grade steroids.



    I think hes just at the point now where he is at his natural capacity for muscle development so anything he builds on cycle, he loses when he comes off case his natural body just can't support anymore growth.



    i'm so curious about which female fitness competitors have been using steroids (other than the obvious ones who have taken on masculine traits). kiefer has mentioned that it's much more common than one would think in females. erin stern and nicole wilkins perhaps?



    Yeah girls seem to really like Anavar,I met a couple girls at the last local show who were actually really good looking and femine they were figure competitors and they were both on 50mg Anavar for 12 weeks pre show



    Yeah girls seem to really like Anavar,I met a couple girls at the last local show who were actually really good looking and femine they were figure competitors and they were both on 50mg Anavar for 12 weeks pre show

    +1  i knew of so many female gym rats using anavar when i worked out at a big box gym.  Most of them get too vascular and it gets to be PRETTY obvious



    Yeah girls seem to really like Anavar,I met a couple girls at the last local show who were actually really good looking and femine they were figure competitors and they were both on 50mg Anavar for 12 weeks pre show

    +1  i knew of so many female gym rats using anavar when i worked out at a big box gym.  Most of them get too vascular and it gets to be PRETTY obvious

    +1Anavar, Tbol, there are a number of steroids girls can take without growing a beard, but you would be surprised how many girls take test adn tren in low doses.... sick if you ask me.



    Yeah man some of them literally had more stuble than I do, one bitch was deca and test…



    what coach is kiefer talking about??

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Halo-Plex (halodrol clone)

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