Halo-Plex (halodrol clone)

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    alright cool thanks!



    yeah if you have any specific qs pm me and if I can help you I will if not the guys I work with have been ON for like 5 years and could give me some advice for you.



    honestly i just wanted to learn a lot about them. haha i compete naturally but ya know, “knowledge is power”.



    haha yeah man I read about stuff I would never use too, like HGH and insulin are soo interesting but I would never touch that shit,.



    Its in his book man he himself said they would stay very lean and consistent in the off season with little to no anabolics and then 16-20 weeks before a show they would go balls to the wall, I am speciaifically reffering to sergio oliva and arnold thats the only people he mentioned is his book .

    Honestly, do you think that ANY bodybuilder would be open with his steroid use?? The book is from 1999, when steroids where illegal on top of that. I repeat again, they did not know there were sides, and ALL protocols from back in the sixties and beyond state that Dianabol was usually taken 6 weeks on, 2-3 weeks off, all year round. As for the dosage, it's not 5-10mg what the oldtimers claim but more 50-100mg PER DAY. Dianabol was dirt cheap and available everywhere, and it was legit. Arnold started the gear when he was 16 or 17, so much can be said as well.



    OK well we are never gonna agree but he is very open about the use in the book, in no way was he saying he didn't juice he was just stating that he juiced the hardest and most consistently into shows.



    OK well we are never gonna agree but he is very open about the use in the book, in no way was he saying he didn't juice he was just stating that he juiced the hardest and most consistently into shows.

    And I tell you that is not true, I know a few guys that where very close to the oldtimers and they have been on all year round, on very high doses. Nothing changed from today, only the compounds were different and no insulin and HGH back then. Also no SEOs.



    My favourite ever anecdote from one of Aus's best ever powerlifters is how they used to “measure” their Dbol. Basically how ever many came out of the bottle with a quick upend. I'm told this is how quite a few of the BB's of the same day did it too. I always found that hilarious.



    My favourite ever anecdote from one of Aus's best ever powerlifters is how they used to "measure" their Dbol. Basically how ever many came out of the bottle with a quick upend. I'm told this is how quite a few of the BB's of the same day did it too. I always found that hilarious.

    Yes, that seemed to be the dosing at the time, LOL. Nowadays people freak out and say that 6 weeks on 20mg of Dbol will give you liver failure, like I said (I don't recommend it) but I know a few guys that did 8-10 weeks on 100mg Dbol ed without any problems.



    Is this why Arnold's body has gone down hill now?



    Is this why Arnold's body has gone down hill now?

    He's 65, maybe that's a reason?



    OK well we are never gonna agree but he is very open about the use in the book, in no way was he saying he didn't juice he was just stating that he juiced the hardest and most consistently into shows.

    And I tell you that is not true, I know a few guys that where very close to the oldtimers and they have been on all year round, on very high doses. Nothing changed from today, only the compounds were different and no insulin and HGH back then. Also no SEOs.

    Id believe him if he said he didnt use that much. A lot of people who were/are pros dont have to use as much as others because they have elite genetics for their sport. More would only increase the side effects. It seems to becoming more common to diet up to shows. Dante Trudel was quite open about Cedric McMillan's dosing and thinks its a far better way to go. Seems like this is what Kai Greene did for the last Olympia too. But if you are NOT among the genetic elite you would probably have to use ludicrous dosages year round to get anywhere close to their level.



    Id believe him if he said he didnt use that much. A lot of people who were/are pros dont have to use as much as others because they have elite genetics for their sport. More would only increase the side effects. It seems to becoming more common to diet up to shows. Dante Trudel was quite open about Cedric McMillan's dosing and thinks its a far better way to go. Seems like this is what Kai Greene did for the last Olympia too. But if you are NOT among the genetic elite you would probably have to use ludicrous dosages year round to get anywhere close to their level.

    I agree that pros do not have to take as much as others, "elite genetics" here means "excellent response to gear without a lot of side effects", but I do not think that the amounts are anywhere near as low as people want to believe. I don't know what Cedric's cycle looks like, have not heard of this, but I know a few high level amateurs and people close to pros, and the amounts that they are taking are pretty high. And it makes sense, if you have been on gear and know what 500mg of test and some Tren do to you, then you know that that is NOT what a 260lbs 6% professional BB is on. Another thing why I do not believe that anyone close to a pro will speak out openly under his name in public about the REAL amounts of gear, HGH, insulin, SEO, painkillers etc is because if anyone will try that, they might kill themselves. One definitive thing that sets pros apart from others is just the constant and continous use over decades. Start the gear with 16 and then after 3-4 cycles you stay on forever, and you continue to do this for 10-15 years and here is your pro card. I'm not saying everyone can do that, but if your genetics are good, you will be a pro. As has been stated above, "cruising" is 2-3g of anabolics, that's where we are "low dose". You simply cannot preserve 240lbs of muscle mass on 250mg of test. It's simply not possible.



    A certain very very well known, now former Pro came to where I live for a guest posing and was staying at our cities one and only BB promoter's place who's also quite a good body builder in Aus. When he was staying with for the week I guess the subject of cycles came up. I'm told when “cruising” he was on 3-4g of Test a week among a plethora of other things. This man was also very genetically blessed, some say the best ever.



    Tokyo lifter we are saying the same thing lol all I am saying is in the old days according to arnold he was on a lot less in the off season, not noe but not much and then as shows approach he would seriously gear the fuck up! I also agree about your comment about genticis their elite genetics have more to do with being able to handle incredible amounts of steroids and also the shape and size of their muscle bellies. Look at Phil Heath, it only took him 5 years to go pro and he started off as a little 5'10 basketball bitch, most guys it takes 10-15 years of hard training and anabolics to go pro he did in a third of the time. Just for shits check this thread out of offseason bodybuilders...I have never laughed so hard in my life these pictures just scream Deca/Dbol/Test e http://tnation.t-nation.com/free_online_forum/sports_body_training_performance_bodybuilding/offseason_bodybuilderssome of the pictures of JOhnnie Jackson and Dennis jamesĀ  are ridiculos they look like the michelin man.

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Halo-Plex (halodrol clone)

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