Hard time breathing

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    Are there any vitamin deficiencies that can make it difficult to breathe? The past couple of weeks ill have a difficult time breathing. not wheezing though. This has never happened before so I'm wondering if its the new diet or something. Basic CBL foods like most everyone else I'm sure. I have slackened on the vegetables the past few months. any ideas?



    holy shit, same here!! its like i cant take in a full deep breath! and then sometimes i can, weird stuff!!


    Richard Schmitt

    I'd get checked out.



    yea like im not wheezing. its hard to take a full breath. I will probably end up going to the doctor to get checked out. Its strange though since this has never happened before and CBL is the only change i've made in my life recently. just figured id ask here first.



    Are there any vitamin deficiencies that can make it difficult to breathe? The past couple of weeks ill have a difficult time breathing. not wheezing though. This has never happened before so I'm wondering if its the new diet or something. Basic CBL foods like most everyone else I'm sure. I have slackened on the vegetables the past few months. any ideas?

    Sounds like a gluten intolerance. (or possibly another food alergy)



    as far as i know im not allergic to anything and im not taking any medications. this doesnt always happen around the times im eating though so im not sure its gluten. or can gluten affect you even when your not eating it? such as during the ulc part of the day.


    Brandon D Christ

    Check out this website:http://www.normalbreathing.com/There are lots of breathing techniques described on this website that I have been implementing and they have helped me a lot.  To specifically answer your question, web author lists DHA/EPA (Fish Oil), magnesium, calcium, and Zinc.  This is only one piece of the puzzle.



    Check out this website:http://www.normalbreathing.com/There are lots of breathing techniques described on this website that I have been implementing and they have helped me a lot.  To specifically answer your question, web author lists DHA/EPA (Fish Oil), magnesium, calcium, and Zinc.  This is only one piece of the puzzle.

    thread hijacked:ibob,  how is that breathing device you built going for you?  see any differences?  i cannot remember where that thread went.


    Brandon D Christ

    Check out this website:http://www.normalbreathing.com/There are lots of breathing techniques described on this website that I have been implementing and they have helped me a lot.  To specifically answer your question, web author lists DHA/EPA (Fish Oil), magnesium, calcium, and Zinc.  This is only one piece of the puzzle.

    thread hijacked:ibob,  how is that breathing device you built going for you?  see any differences?  i cannot remember where that thread went.

    Pretty good, I definitely feel more energetic, less nervous, and less nasaly congested, especially in the morning.  I also feel like it is helping my lifting, I feel like I am less winded after sets, almost like I have been doing HIIT on the side, only I'm not.  I will get that thread back up with updates on my progress.  Also I swear my teeth are straighter since I stopped mouth breathing at night, supposedly mouth breathing narrows your jaw and sinus cavity, which is part of why crooked teeth are so common nowadays.



    Check out this website:http://www.normalbreathing.com/There are lots of breathing techniques described on this website that I have been implementing and they have helped me a lot.  To specifically answer your question, web author lists DHA/EPA (Fish Oil), magnesium, calcium, and Zinc.  This is only one piece of the puzzle.

    thread hijacked:ibob,  how is that breathing device you built going for you?  see any differences?  i cannot remember where that thread went.

    Pretty good, I definitely feel more energetic, less nervous, and less nasaly congested, especially in the morning.  I also feel like it is helping my lifting, I feel like I am less winded after sets, almost like I have been doing HIIT on the side, only I'm not.  I will get that thread back up with updates on my progress.  Also I swear my teeth are straighter since I stopped mouth breathing at night, supposedly mouth breathing narrows your jaw and sinus cavity, which is part of why crooked teeth are so common nowadays.

    Awesome!  i need to make one of them and see if it does anything for me... that is interesting about the teeth too. 



    ibobland08. other than this breathing device have you been doing other stuff to improve breathing? i watched a video on youtube how to make the breathing device and ill be doing it as soon as i can. I have noticed that i mainly breathe through my mouth and not my nose. been trying to work on that.


    Brandon D Christ

    ibobland08. other than this breathing device have you been doing other stuff to improve breathing? i watched a video on youtube how to make the breathing device and ill be doing it as soon as i can. I have noticed that i mainly breathe through my mouth and not my nose. been trying to work on that.

    Breathe only through your nose, even when you are lifting.  Tape your mouth shut at night so you don't mouth breathe when you sleep and don't sleep on your back.  After a few days of doing this you will see improvements.  You can open your nasal cavity immediately by doing the following protocol:  close your mouth and pinch your nose, walk about 20 or 30 steps so you experience mild air hunger.  Then sit down and only breathe through you nose, but do not breathe heavily.  Your nasal cavity should open up in about 30 seconds.  You can do this as many times as you want.

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Hard time breathing

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