Has anyone ever done a grain free CBL/CNS??

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    I just started all this and am 1 CN down.My body really does not like grains...  Is it possible and has anyone ever done this protocol grain free?


    I'd say close to half of us stay grain free with the exception of white rice which is totally benign.


    Bradley R. Collins

    Gluten free, for sure. 


    Peter Hunt

    Yeah, white rice, corn grits and instant oats are the only grains I have.



    I'd say close to half of us stay grain free with the exception of white rice which is totally benign.

    Nice, how about if I wanted to go sans rice as well.Do you know what high GI foods I could use?


    I'd say close to half of us stay grain free with the exception of white rice which is totally benign.

    Nice, how about if I wanted to go sans rice as well.Do you know what high GI foods I could use?

    Potatoes.Although does white rice really give your problems? All the GI disruptors are removed from white rice


    I've done CN as both Vegetarian AND Vegan (currently Vegan)… while remaining gluten-free and soy-free.  You can make anything work.At the moment, I eat a lot of white rice w/ sweet thai sauce, bake w/ coconut flour, etc.When I was L/O Vegetarian, I could buy more ready-made off the shelf.  Since hitting up Veganism, I resolve to making everything myself (by-and-large).Cory

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Has anyone ever done a grain free CBL/CNS??

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