Having trouble figuring out what to do on nights I have rugby practice

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    Maybe its not as difficult as Im making it, but I have rugby tuesdays and thursdays from 7:30-10:00 pm. I dont work out on these days cause thats just too much for my body. Should I still pound carbs when I get home around 10:30 or so? Is there anything I should do differently cause its only two nights a week? Im bulking right now too, at least trying to. Doing so much running is making it tough.


    If you are trying to bulk you should be having carbs every night. You will need to play with it to find your sweet spot after practice though.



    Id use those nights to go hardddd on the veggies over your carb limit, junk carbs for weights



    Yeah I'm thinking I'll just do white rice after practice with porkchops or chicken and veggies.



    The night i do dynamic effert weights ill be doing shit ton of veggies over 30gs and yeah same sort of meat like you

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Having trouble figuring out what to do on nights I have rugby practice

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