Heavy Duty – No Spotter

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    I've been enjoying the Heavy Duty protocol vs the ShockWave Protocol 1.4.  When I first started my CBL journey, I did SWP.  It got me stronger fast without too much joint pain but I realized that back loading with that many carbs required a lot more traditional sets and reps, less rest.That's when I found the HD Protocol thanks to the fine people of this forum (Big Tex).Question:I simply don't have a spotter for the NEG portions.  The question is.. do I just do a 4th set to failure?  Or maybe try and Elect?  Some things don't make any sense like..Back Squats with 3 negatives?Barbell Rows with 3 negatives?If you don't have a spot, what do you guys and gals do for that NEG set?


    Richard Schmitt

    Normally I go slow and controlled manner. Putting pressure on myself and then try to explode back. Kinda like ELECT. But with much more pressure



    That works… 4 seconds down.. explode up.Would make it quite intense.  Use less weight after the 3 previoius sets.  Good solution.  Thanks Tex.


    Richard Schmitt

    Any time!


    Brandon D Christ

    The Squat only requires one negative, which in that case you don't need a spotter, just squat inside a squat rack or cage.  After the last rep just do a negative down until the spotter bars catch the bar.  For every thing else, I find cheat reps, with a strict negative works well.  That is how I did the barbell rows.  Another option is to do the exercise unilaterally with dumbells and use your free hand to assist in the negative.  Note this is NOT as good as using a spotter, but it is better than nothing.



    The Squat only requires one negative, which in that case you don't need a spotter, just squat inside a squat rack or cage.  After the last rep just do a negative down until the spotter bars catch the bar.  For every thing else, I find cheat reps, with a strict negative works well.  That is how I did the barbell rows.  Another option is to do the exercise unilaterally with dumbells and use your free hand to assist in the negative.  Note this is NOT as good as using a spotter, but it is better than nothing.

    I did this too. Only used a spotter for the big ones, like BP.

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Heavy Duty – No Spotter

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