Heavy Duty – Romanian DL vs. Stiff Legged DL

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    Romanian DL vs. Stiff Legged DL, both are mentioned in the program, what is the difference?I thought they were the same exercise, just different name.Anyone know the difference between the two?



    The difference is mainly to do with back angle and whether the hips and knees lock or not.Take a look at thishttp://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/rdl-vs-sldl.html



    The difference is mainly to do with back angle and whether the hips and knees lock or not.Take a look at thishttp://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/rdl-vs-sldl.html

    Thanks, I read this article as well, I was just wondering what Kiefer's point was in putting DL's on the core work day and was wondering if this was an auto-complete mistake and he wanted to put Roman Chair crunches or twists instead of Romanian DL, or if he wanted the Romanian DL for lower back / transversus work there. I don't see a big difference and judging the difference of the moves from the article, I wouldn't think stiff legged DL as they are described there are very good for you at heavier weights.


    Brandon D Christ

    The difference is mainly to do with back angle and whether the hips and knees lock or not.Take a look at thishttp://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/rdl-vs-sldl.html

    Thanks, I read this article as well, I was just wondering what Kiefer's point was in putting DL's on the core work day and was wondering if this was an auto-complete mistake and he wanted to put Roman Chair crunches or twists instead of Romanian DL, or if he wanted the Romanian DL for lower back / transversus work there. I don't see a big difference and judging the difference of the moves from the article, I wouldn't think stiff legged DL as they are described there are very good for you at heavier weights.

    Whenever I do heavy duty I just move the entire core workout to back day, since the back day in that plan is a bit tame.  I think it works out nicely.



    http://vimeo.com/25264828another good resource on the topic... if only for rip's soothing voice



    Whenever I do heavy duty I just move the entire core workout to back day, since the back day in that plan is a bit tame.  I think it works out nicely.

    That is a good idea actually, also because it gives you another day off on Wednesday for better recovery.

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Heavy Duty – Romanian DL vs. Stiff Legged DL

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