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  • #365999

    Beth Maxwell

    I’ve been on the forum for several weeks, mostly observing, and have finally decided to start posting. This looks like a good group. Everyone seems committed to achieving serious results, and helping others in the process. Although maintaining my weight and muscle mass is important, optimal health is my priority. I am a fan of Paul Jaminet, Ph.D, “The Perfect Health Diet”. Being over 50, I am especially interested in women’s issues, and how hormone replacement therapy plays a role in health and fitness. I’m impressed with the women on this group, and hope to be part of the “family”. My goal is to learn as well as contribute, whenever possible.


    Richard Schmitt

    Welcome, and it’s great to have you here with us ma’am!


    Beth Maxwell

    Thank you Big Tex!



    Welcome to the group! I look forward to observing your progress and hearing what you have to bring to the table! Very glad to have you. 🙂


    Penny Danner

    Welcome! 🙂


    Beth Maxwell

    Thank you Spatz! I enjoy reading your posts.


    Robert Haas

    Well hello there, 😉

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Beth Maxwell

    Hello Penny & Shadow. Looking forward to being part of the team.


    Veronica C Harris

    Welcome! Come start a log in the Members section where we all cheer each other on and help with progress. 🙂

    You may have noticed that I’m not all there myself.
    ~The Cheshire Cat


    Beth Maxwell

    Hi Veronica, I made my first attempt at posting a log tonight.

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