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    I recently purchased CNS and CBL with the idea of losing weight I gained after a neck injury and then really going for the ultra body I've always craved. Before the injury (broken neck from car crash) I was running half marathons and mud runs getting ready for a tough mudder. After 10 weeks on the couch I look and feel like a lump of crap. CNS is just what I need to re-focus and get my act together. I'm excited to be on day three now and can't wait to start seeing/feeling/embracing results. I'm also training at least five days a week. Any advice anyone have for a newbie on the road to success?! I've got my husband on board who was also injured in the accident and we're doing this as a team! 🙂 Glad to be a part of this forum!



    Well done 🙂 My advice to you is to take training down to 2-3 times a week



    Wow so LESS training!? Maybe I'll just take a nice walk on those off days then… 🙂



    Good idea 🙂Too much training is a stress on your body, especially if your goal is fatloss


    Lesli Bortz

    If you feel good at the gym and enjoy training that often and listen to your body if/when it's tired then there's no reason you can't go that often.As far as any other advice, the food and timing of food tends to be the biggest question most people have. You may want to start a personal log and record your food. It helps other people help you better.Best of luck! That's awesome that your husband is doing it with you.



    Oh, I should have mentioned, I have a preference for training VERY intensely; I guess if you were training lightly then you might be able to handle it . . . but why would you want to do that?


    Lesli Bortz

    Some people enjoy it and can handle training Intensely more than 2-3 days a week. It's merely personal preference.


    Richard Schmitt

    Welcome! And +1 to personal preference on how much you want to train and can handle. Doing too much can actually be detrimental. Less is more.



    I DO like to train intensely but until I'm further down the road with this injury I really can't. SO maybe I can just keep up with my normal training which is really about building my strength back up to where it was while losing all this stubborn fat i've accumulated. I do keep a journal which I find highly motivating!! Thanks to both of you for great advice! 🙂 All I want for Christmas is my abs...(maybe NEXT Christmas).



    Okay, just focus on the strength training; leave the fatloss to the diet


    Lesli Bortz

    All I want for Christmas is my abs...(maybe NEXT Christmas).



    Jeff Williams

    CBL is going to help definitely with weight loss.  The amount of training you should be doing right now depends on your fitness level at this point, how far removed the accident was, and your pain tolerance to training itself.  I wouldn't make any sort of recommendation until I got those answers, as this is something I stress with my students.



    She's doing CNS

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