HELP!! Candida :(

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    hey all,i met with a naturopath today, and i'm being treated for candida.i can't have any sugar or fast digesting carbs.basically i can only have brown rice or quinoa, lots of veggies, flax and chia (ugh).i have to limit my red meat i can't really do CBL or CNS until i deal with the candida.i will still be continuing with my training and eating ULC style as close as i can.i'm just not sure about when/how much i should eat of the brown rice or quinoa?perhaps a re-feed a couple of times a week in the evening post-training?obviously not optimal at all, but it's the best i can do for now.any suggestions or tips for this would be amazing.trying to incorporate the veggies and brown rice/quinoa for muscle growth and limited fat gain is the challenge.thank you!


    I'd recommend checking Chris Kresser and Robb Wolfs sites for canidida help.Try and get oral nystatin.

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HELP!! Candida :(

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