Help, Im a crossfit, hot yoga woman

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    Hi All,Ive read the book, Ive been reading the forums and still Im confused on how to eat.Im 47, 5' 124 lbs.crossfit mornings 6 days a weekhot yoga three nightsand heavy lifting in the gym 2 nightsIm pretty fit, but want to lose fat and gain strength.Im lost on how much to eat of carbs at night and how much if at all I eat of sweets.  I follow paleo all day then want to switch into cbl in the evening.Any help would be so great!Thanks


    Brandon D Christ

    What do your crossfit workouts look like?



    My crossfit workouts are crazy.the other day we did 50 pullups50 pushups50 situps50 double unders50 push press (barbell)Im rowing or swinging a 35 lb kettlebell or deadlifting, squatting, etc....Always really intense.


    Brandon D Christ

    My crossfit workouts are crazy.the other day we did 50 pullups50 pushups50 situps50 double unders50 push press (barbell)Im rowing or swinging a 35 lb kettlebell or deadlifting, squatting, etc....Always really intense.

    Well those aren't backload worthy becaus they aren't heavy weights.  Just backload after your two heavy sessions and you should do fine. 



    I'm new and all I have done is read the book.He explains that for women they want to eat less junk than men, but still want to load up.There is a pretty handy chart based on your weight and weight loss for the carb exclusion period.  But since you have already excluded I'd do it just based on your weight.  This might help

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Help, Im a crossfit, hot yoga woman

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