Help Suggestions getting in Carbs during backload

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  • #230819

    Robert x Oleary

    RX - What are your thoughts on using a product like NOW MCT OIL versus regular Coconut Oil pre-workout?

    MCT oil will have better energy release preworkout as opposed to coconut oil, which is only partly MCT. The medium chain triglycerides are what actually turn into readily available energy in your blood stream. What isn't MCT in your CO, will digest like regular dietary fat, and wont have the same immediate effect.


    Brandon D Christ

    ibobland08 what did you think about those numbers? 400 g carbs? Right now I'm 220 with 10% BF.

    Sounds about right, especially since you are focused on gaining muscle.  I will say though, you need to bump your fat up to around 125 g.


    Robert x Oleary

    Have you thought or tried spreading out your carb consumption to a four hour limit?

    This is what I do.


    Brandon D Christ

    RX - What are your thoughts on using a product like NOW MCT OIL versus regular Coconut Oil pre-workout?

    MCT oil will have better energy release preworkout as opposed to coconut oil, which is only partly MCT. The medium chain triglycerides are what actually turn into readily available energy in your blood stream. What isn't MCT in your CO, will digest like regular dietary fat, and wont have the same immediate effect.

    Keep in mind, many people can not tolerate MCT oil.  Even if an attempt is made to adjust starting with low dosages.


    Bruno Cattorini

    Have you tried liquid carbs? I have the same problem as you. If I try to hit for high amount of carbs I start to feel like I am going to throw up, it feels like too much food. I started using liquid carbs such as Karbolic or Glycoject after my workouts so I can get an extra 80-100g of carbs. I wait 30mins after my workouts, take the CARB SHOCK with 15g of protein, and then 15 or 30 mins later do the liquid carbs with some protein. Also spreading the foods out like it's been suggested works for me.So far the results have been good.

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Help Suggestions getting in Carbs during backload

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