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    Brian M Eckstrom

    is a hernia something you would definitely know you got? or do they feel as subtle as a slight abdominal cramp? I'm hoping I'm just paranoid


    Melvin McLain

    is a hernia something you would definitely know you got?

    Not always. If you think it's a possibility, I'd suggest seeing your doctor before straining.


    Brian M Eckstrom

    is a hernia something you would definitely know you got?

    Not always. If you think it's a possibility, I'd suggest seeing your doctor before straining.

    well, it happened while straining, couldn't tell if I was starting to cramp or what, but the next set was fine


    Melvin McLain

    If it doesn't hurt or feel uncomfortable, it's probably ok then. They don't heal in just a few minutes. 😀


    Brian M Eckstrom

    If it doesn't hurt or feel uncomfortable, it's probably ok then. They don't heal in just a few minutes. 😀

    that's what I was concerned about, if you feel it or what it feels like


    Melvin McLain

    Ah ok. Yeah, if there's a hernia problem you should definitely feel discomfort. But it's not always something visibly protruding out.



    Hernias are iffy, they can be subtle at first. I had one for 13 months that was very hard to detect but I showed all the signs. At first it felt like a mild strain then It got worse. If your fine by the next set and isn't causing issues during other movements/motions outside of the gym you're more than likely fine.

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