I have been reading through the forum and thought I would introduce myself. I finished day 1 of the prep and am actually new to strength training in general. I started a fitcamp and was recommended to use CBL in conjunction. I am 29 years old female, 5'6, 148 pounds and 30% body fat…need to get that down! I've read the book once so far and really looking forward to this new (for me) lifestyle.
Welcome to CBL! If you're anything like me, this forum will be your best friend for the next few weeks. Don't sweat the training so much, just work hard, push yourself, and you'll see results in no time.Good luck with the prep phase (it's really not that bad)!
Thank you Benjamin! The prep phase isn't bad so far. I have been following a low cal diet for about a year now (weight watchers) so I wasn't eating a ton before - I like the food that I'm eating now and I'm not starving. My trainer gave me meal plans to follow which took a lot of the guess work out of it for me!
Good luck and glad to have you aboard, if your main goal is faster weight loss, and you’re new to hypertrophy (weight training) then I would suggest you read/ try CN you’ll love it. When on CN you can lose a lot of weight and gain strength, especially if you’re new. But CBL is a lot of fun. LOL So both programs would be sufficient.
Thanks Chuck – I might check out CN too. I just dropped a lot of money on the CBL book/weight training/nutrition services so I'll stick with this and see what happens! I'm 1/2 through day 2 of the prep…going to train tonight.