Hi everybody,My name is Karl(ito). I've bought the 2 books Carb night solution and Carb back loading and I think it's the best diet ever
Thank you Kiefer. I've been doing CBL for 2 mounth now and I've got great results in terms of fat loss and muscle building. I was 190 lbs when I started, drop around 7 lbs during prep phase and today I'm around 176 pounds so i lost quite a good amount of water and fat. I used to follow a typical Bodybuilding diet, cereals... counting the macros and all that BS. Now I have got a much better body, more ripped around 10-12 % I think, I'm not sure beacuse i think I retain a bit of water so if you can help me to flush it away, I'm gonna open a thread anyway.So I wanted to get access to the forum a long time ago but it took a long time to receive the email for access, so i manage to contact naomie to help me and i think she accelerate the process so thank you Naomie.I'm so happy to be on the forum, hope we will have great discussions and we progress alltogether.