Hi there,
New to Carb Nite forums. I’ve been watching all the YouTube vids/ listening to all the podcasts as they come out for a while now. I bought the book on Amazon a while ago, and started using it in conjunction with P90 a few months back. I am now doing a round of ChaLEAN Extreme, really working on my muscle composition and growth.
I’ve lost 46 pounds and 15 inches so far, so yay. Looking to lose about 50 more or so. Long way to go, but all I have is time eh.
I have to say thanks to Kiefer et al for realizing a woman’s body is not the same as a man’s and helping us out in that area as he discovers new things. I think it’s pretty important and not many pay enough attention to it. (I’d personally go far enough to say there needs to be completely different schools of medicine on the matter).
Anyhow, good to find this site, and meet you all.
Can’t wait to read the next version of Carb Nite!