High glycemic foods post workout

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    Mervin Fernandes

    I know the standard foods, white rice, potatoes etc. But my question was more on the processed junk foods (off the shelf) which I could have.I know ice cream is recommended, but my question was more to do with the food label. Is there anything on there that I should check before deciding a particular food is high glycemic and good enough for the backload?I know Keifer recommends glucose over fructose, so what kinds of ingredients should I be on the look out for? From what I know, standard sugar is sucrose and is not the same as glucose.I mostly would be eating clean, but wouldn't mind the occasional ice cream/cookie etc 🙂So any help/tips etc on choosing a CBL friendly "junk" food would be most welcome 🙂


    If you are only eating junk here and there and in relatively small amounts that only think you need to avoid would be agave syrup or fructose.If you want "Junk" then things with flour (Pastries, cookies, cakes) beat stuff like candy bars and ice cream, but again, unless you are using it for a large portion of your carbs it wont be a big deal to have some ice cream or a candy bar.


    Penny Danner

    I like Talenti Gelato….has sucrose in it but also dextrose.If you want to make rice krispy treats, those are easy and the Walmart brand marshmallows have corn syrup, dextrose and maltodextrin then sucrose (in close to that order)....easy to melt in the microwave, then pour in the cereal, stir, and let cool (or put in the freezer to cool faster...just don't forget it! LOL)Smarties candies and Pixy Stix are straight dextrose.  I use those sometimes.



    I feel donuts are a requirement every once in awhile, and I tend to feel a spike in body temp when I use them. Even with all the fat in them, they are quite high on the glycemic index and for me they do quite well.

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High glycemic foods post workout

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