HIIT Confusion

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    Was searching for an answer but could not find (apologies if this has been posted elsewhere).So with Ripped Shockwave - 2 HIIT days.I know one should come after carb nite. Got that part.But, what of the other? Should it be done on core day? I'm not sure i could give 110% on a bike tomorrow since leg day was today, so was thinking of doing a HIIT Heavy Rope workout. Would you recommend pre or post workout?Thanks!


    Richard Schmitt

    Pre workout and can be done on Core Day. Any type of HIIT is good



    This thread is old, but on the Shockwave PDF, it says not to do HIIT within 2 hours of your lifting session. How important is that? Is it just because of fatigue? What if I did the lifting first??


    Richard Schmitt

    I would read the ANAC article on the Athlete.io page. New information came out regarding HIIT paired with lifting. Women are structured differently, so you can approach it in an another way. Like doing HIIT based upon an old Podcast, the Wedding Episode.



    I would read the ANAC article on the Athlete.io page. New information came out regarding HIIT paired with lifting. Women are structured differently, so you can approach it in an another way. Like doing HIIT based upon an old Podcast, the Wedding Episode.

    Ok! I read the article and it said to time your HIIT session to end an hour before strength training... but I'm going to try and find that podcast. I found a couple in my email geared towards women and training so I will listen to those. Which I probably should have done long ago. Thank you!



    Yeh, I do HIIT and then immediately do my strength training. I just find doing an HIIT an hour before the strength training a bit inconvenient. I really can't go to the gym for 15 mins doing HIIT.. and then spend an hour waiting for the strength training. Especially when I do my workouts in the early morning before work.. or doing my workouts at night before going to sleep.I didn't notice a heavy impact on my workout session either. My stamina is still strong. Kiefer mentions HIIT increases mtor pathway growth and increases testosterone response during your strength training.. but doesn't mention when the peak occurs.Not sure why its recommended to separate HIIT an hour from your strength training? I haven't seen any studies of what happens to the body an hour after HIIT, in fact this journal here:http://jap.physiology.org/content/110/3/730Mentions how "Very little information exists regarding the postexercise inflammation response to HIIT"


    Penny Danner

    It says “Make sure to schedule your training so you complete your HIIT sessions up to an hour before you train with weights. ” So I do my HIIT, wipe down the bike (or drive to the gym if I"m running sprints outside), go to the bathroom, start looking at my lifts/list.  So maybe at leas 5-7 min and start with some warm ups.  I don't hurry from HIIT to lifting in otherwords since it says UP to an hour.  It hasn't hurt my lifts either doing HIIT right before.

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HIIT Confusion

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