HIIT For Female Bikini Prep??

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    Hey Everyone!I am about 11 weeks out from my 2nd bikini competition.  For my first competition I followed a pretty typical prep diet and did more cardio than I ever want to do again.  I did well, but I want to totally change up my prep this time.I do CrossFit (I know, Kiefer hates it) but am hoping to do CrossFit 5-6 days a week (our programming is REALLY heavy into lifting with short met cons-definitely more lifting than "cardio") and was planning on doing some HIIT/Sprints 3x/week on top of the CrossFit.  I don't really have much fat to cut, but I want to look a big "fuller" than last time...not SO thin.  Does anyone have any recommendations for a HIIT schedule that they've used that works well?  My stats are 5'7'', about 113#, and during my prep last contest I was 9%BF so I'd say I'm probably around 12ish now?  I have  a really hard time putting on mass without getting fluffly.Thanks in advance!!


    Brandon D Christ

    For women everything is a bit different, but if you were male I would tell you to ditch the HIIT if you are struggling to put on mass.From my limited knowledge based on what Kiefer has said about how women deplete glycogen, what you plan on doing is probably ok, but you may need more carbs.  Howe often are you eating carbs?

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HIIT For Female Bikini Prep??

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