Hey Everyone!I am about 11 weeks out from my 2nd bikini competition. For my first competition I followed a pretty typical prep diet and did more cardio than I ever want to do again. I did well, but I want to totally change up my prep this time.I do CrossFit (I know, Kiefer hates it) but am hoping to do CrossFit 5-6 days a week (our programming is REALLY heavy into lifting with short met cons-definitely more lifting than "cardio") and was planning on doing some HIIT/Sprints 3x/week on top of the CrossFit. I don't really have much fat to cut, but I want to look a big "fuller" than last time...not SO thin. Does anyone have any recommendations for a HIIT schedule that they've used that works well? My stats are 5'7'', about 113#, and during my prep last contest I was 9%BF so I'd say I'm probably around 12ish now? I have a really hard time putting on mass without getting fluffly.Thanks in advance!!