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  • #385043


    There is A LOT of different info out there about the sprint/rest ratios for bike/sprint/etc HIIT. I’ve seen many different things on here and a few different recommendations form Kiefer himself.

    What’s the most bang for my buck option? I am doing CN getting ready for a BB show (sometimes 1 reefed a week/sometimes 2 back to back CN if I’m looking flat). I do AM fasted cardio on workout days and train in PM. On non-workout days I do HIIT in PM. I just want to burn the most fat and I do try to do it 1-2 days after my CN, but honestly just do it when I can. Is 1min sprint: 2min rest best? 45sec sprint: 3min rest? 2 min sprint: 4 min rest..etc….? Does it matter….?





    It’s suggested in the CBL book for Strength Accumulation/Fat Loss to sprint approximately 2min 100% max power, with a 4min rest for 5 sets. (So as to not exceed 30 minutes of HIIT.)



    Yea I saw that, but then I watched a video where Kiefer said to do 1mim 100% sprints: 2min rest…and he added you won’t likely be able to do 1min 100%, but keep pushing! 2min is a while to sprint imo…I have trouble going 100% for 30 sec!!…Guess I’m a baby!lol!



    That’s all I ever do/did, 30sec with 2 min rest. I got up to 1 min sprint with 3 min rest but haven’t been on top of my HIIT game in a long time… did a set recently and 30 sec killed me. 😛

    What I always do is this: Run for at least 30 seconds up to 2 minutes, then rest for 2 minutes up to 4 minutes, then do up to 8 sets or 30 minutes whichever comes first. To decide how long I should rest between sets I use this: If I can’t talk without gasping, rest longer. If I can hold a conversation then it’s high time to take off again.

    Go by feel, as every body is different.



    Per request to remove the video I posted, I’ve edited this post.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Mari.


    Thanks for the vid Mari…not sure why u has to remove tho? Maybe his recommendations have now changed.

    Anyways thanks ALL!

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