HIIT suggestions?

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    Lately I've started to notice that my knees hurt for several days after any kind of “impact” activity such as running(even on sand) and sometimes even hiking.  I think I might be developing “runner's knee” from years of running and constantly playing basketball.  At this point, I'd rather just save my knees for squats, deadlifts, snowboarding, and surfing lol.  On mornings that I feel like doing a little bit of HIIT, can you guys recommend anything that won't aggravate my knee condition?  Are swimming and maybe just plain pushups/crunches/bodyweight squats good?  And how exactly could I design them to fit into the 4:30 low-intensity and 30 second high-intensity intervals?(with sprinting it's simple  🙂


    Richard Schmitt

    Can you get to a stationary bike or a elliptical machine? Those can help lower impact on your knees and work just as good with resistance.



    Can you get to a stationary bike or a elliptical machine? Those can help lower impact on your knees and work just as good with resistance.

    Yes I can.  Tex do you think those should be just as good as running since i'm only doing it for the HIIT benefits/effects anyway?  It's not the same as like using machine weights in place of deadlifts and military press? lolz.


    Richard Schmitt

    I do a bit of both sprinting and bike. If you up the resistance to the machine it will definitely do its job. Just make sure you put all effort into it like anything else.


    Damon Amato

    Could do kettle bell swings or the heavy rope too.



    Cool thanks for the ideas.

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HIIT suggestions?

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