hives on back..eggs?

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    Long story short, I started rucking back in December daily. A small amount of irritation happening, even a few small patches of hives, less than 2in X 2in.  They would almost go away too. Fast forward, I have a HUGE patch in the same area. Either its stress, but I'm always under it. Or eggs maybe?  I eat four to six a day. I havent had any since Thursday.  Gonna wait till next weekend and then eat some and see what happens. Real question is, what's the chances of developing an allergy to eggs?  I love em, never had issues before.  Was it maybe hidden due to living a non ulc life style?


    Really high. Particularly with proteins, if you eat the same kind every day for a prolonged period of time it can happen. Happens to me every few months. It's not really an allergy as much as an intolerance, and you can reverse it by just not eating it for 3-6 weeks in most cases.It actually happened to me this week, I get horrid cramps within 30 minutes after eating eggs and they last for 4-6 hours.



    So its been five days. Hives are greatly reduced in appearance.  Thanks for the input!

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hives on back..eggs?

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