Horrific DOMS

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    I'm used to DOMS, but after my workout two days ago (which was my first workout in 10 days), my quads and hammies are KILLING me. Like it hurts to stand up and every step hurts pain.I got in the spa for an hour or so last night, it helped temporarily but the pain is worse today than yesterday...I'm thinking about some active recovery after work, maybe a spin on a bike.Any other suggestions?



    Foam rolling, stretching, etc.  Make sure you're staying really well hydrated too.



    Walking and Epsom salt baths



    Got a NASTY case of DOMS a few months ago. Drink lots of water, get up and move often, stretch, and do a VERY light workout to get the acid build-up out of the muscles. Also,  I wouldn't necessarily do “spin” as in a class, but riding a bike at a relatively easy pace is perfect. You don't want too much resistance but DEFINITELY want to move the legs. Or do some light rep work – light enough for sets of 20-30.



    Cool, thanks ya'll.

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Horrific DOMS

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