How did you find out about this place/diet?

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    Think it would be interesting to hear how everyone came across this place and diet.I heard about this place from a gym owner. He owns the only real gym in the area. Just an old school kind of place with a ton of weights.


    The interview Keifer did with Dave Asprey on bulletproofexec



    Same podcast as above!


    Originally on Facebook, then in an issue of muscle and fitness (but hesitated) then after reading Sean Hyson's review, said F-it and picked up both CNS and CBL.


    Damon Amato

    I'm probably the only geek who was googling how the laws of thermodynamics related to calorie burn and found an article he wrote.


    Brandon D Christ

    I saw the article on CBL M&F over a year ago, thought it was interesting, but it took me a long time to try it because I was already under 10% bodyfat.  I started regulary reading the blog since this past October, but I didn't start Carb Backloading until December.



    For me it was from EliteFTS and reading all of the sponsored athletes logs. So many of them were working with him I figured it would be worth trying out.Now I'm on CBL and my girlfriend is seeing some success with CNS. Definitely changed the way I look at nutrition.



    I had been reading a blog called “death to fitness” for a while. It's pretty inactive these days but it used to poke fun at what is nowadays called “fitness” and at the industry in general, DHers would probably like it quite a bit. There was a post that gave a very rough outline of CBL in relation to skipping breakfast and it had a link to DH.

    Total opposite of everything anyone has ever said right? That's how you know it's good for you.For more info on this kind of eating plan, check out: http://www.dangerouslyhardcore.comYou're welcome.


    Jonathan H Blough

    I learned about it on the LeanGains Facebook page.Someone posted a link to one of Kiefer's intermittent fasting articles and here I am.


    Igor Vidovic

    M&F article then good friend brought it up so I had to check it out

    training log


    Richard Schmitt

    Found all this out through an article on Men's Fitness by Kiefer “Carbs are not the Enemy.” Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Kiefer's spot on the BulletproofExec podcast. Loved what he had to say and have been here ever since.



    For me it was from EliteFTS and reading all of the sponsored athletes logs. So many of them were working with him I figured it would be worth trying out.Now I'm on CBL and my girlfriend is seeing some success with CNS. Definitely changed the way I look at nutrition.

    "Breakfast: Logic Does Not Apply" from Elitefts articles. Read that and dropped breakfast. I was attempting to bulk at the time with the Anabolic Diet and dropping breakfast helped tremendously to keep fat gains down. Still got too fat but way less than in the past. Then maybe a year and a bit later I tried dieting with Leangains and was still reading some of Kiefers articles. The more of his ideas I applied to fasting the better the results I got. Eventually I knew enough to backload properly (mostly) and went fully CBL.


    Lasse Elsbak

    I read his first articles on back-loading on EFTS a couple of years ago. Didn't understand them very well at the time though. 😛



    To clarify how I found this place. Dino(gym owner) told me about this place and I checked it out some. Thought it sounded pretty crazy. He said some of the guys were trying it(very loosely). The guy who obviously got the most out of it was a guy who competed in BB. Went from a chubby 280 to a shredded 230 everyday. But his results could be viewed as skewed.Eventually I gave it a shot myself. Didnt have near the info as I do now. Ended up not sticking with it. But I signed up to receive the Shockwave Protocols.Fastforward probably a year maybe closer to 2 years. I get a random email saying I received the Shockwave Protocols. It was the perfect time for me to see this again. Well played Kiefer haha.

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